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Younis Page & Other Boards Follies

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Younis Page & Other Boards Follies - Page 8 Empty Re: Younis Page & Other Boards Follies

Post  thecolorsblend Mon Apr 11, 2011 8:22 pm


Some guy called Last_Son_Of_Krypton (such a clever name, I'm sure he thought of it himself) has been posting pics and images of himself "playing Zod" on the net. I use the quote marks there because the motherfucker ISN'T playing Zod, he's doing a Stamp impersonation. The dude is REALLY pissed off that he got "passed over" in favor of Shannon.

It seems his comments have been deleted (I guess even Younis finally had enough) but you can still see fragments of them in other peoples writings. I guess it needs to be explained that Snyder probably wants someone to bring a fresh approach to the role rather than yet again digging up more Richard Donner leftovers. Poor baby.

Apologist wrote:#128 | Supereyes on April 11, 2011 2:32pm EST
Was Zod in the comics before Superman: The Movie, is that when they made him Kryptonian?
I can appreciate that not everybody follows Superman comics. And of the people who do, NOBODY can claim to know EVERYTHING.

But (A) this dillhole has criticized SV aplenty for lack of fidelity to comics which he clearly knows nothing about and (B) seriously, Wikipedia, how fucking hard is it?

I understand there's a giant machine Zod in the comics, but I think that sucks. And yes, I think they should just leave Zod as a Kryptonian.
You can pretty much copy and paste the above right here.

Funny how they're going with that title "Man of Steel" anyways which was going to be the sequel to SR's original title.
Oh, you mean Singerman 2, the sequel that never got beyond the pitch stage? Is THAT the movie this nitwit's talking about?

But I really feel like they're competing with Batman. "The Dark Knight" and..."Man of Steel." It's too obvious though.
Ah, the comparisons to Nolan's Batman films are once again selective.

"Superman: Man of Tomorrow"? Or...something in relation to Zod..."Rise of Zod"
Titles containing "rise of [insert noun]" should be prohibited by federal law in all genre films from now until the apocalypse. I would further recommend castration for people who suggest such titles.

When I become The Supreme Emperor of Everything, idiots like this one had better watch the fuck out!

Dickhead wrote:#129 | Tireman on April 11, 2011 3:19pm EST
maybe he can fight a giant spider and polar bears ???????
Pukes like this one are next. In a lot of ways, I wish Kevin Smith had never told that story because you get a bunch of morons making "clever" references to it like this. Far be it from me to defend the Tim Burton/Jon Peters/Nicolas Cage piece of monkey vomit, but (A) there would've been more vision and originality in that film than there was in the entirety of Singerman and (B) this joke really belongs to one man, and has been run into the ground.

This is another one who better leave the country if and when I assume absolute power.

When you see shit like...

Same toolbag wrote:#133 | Tireman on April 11, 2011 5:14pm EST
wouldnt shock me if we dont see lana in it at all maybe they will mention her ... but this cast is gettinb pretty big and expensive and i think the budget is only 175
... you can only take so much. Because, you know, each of the cast members up to this point are all going to get paid $25 million apiece.

We trust these morons to drive cars, vote, have families and so forth. And that really scares me. They are walking proof that Darwin was full of shit because if his theories had ANY validity, nitwits like... oh, fuck it, anyone from the Younis page would've been, ah, "dealt with" long ago.

kivara wrote:Here's the link:

Scroll down to stargazer and make sure to read the responses from KEV and Ye5man. Though she actually wrote it was the saddest day of her life. But still funny . Smile
There are very few web postings worth printing out but those are definitely worth it.

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Younis Page & Other Boards Follies - Page 8 Empty Re: Younis Page & Other Boards Follies

Post  Apologist Puncher Mon Apr 11, 2011 9:10 pm

This is what I picture EVERY time an Apologist posts:
Younis Page & Other Boards Follies - Page 8 Retard

Male or female, it makes no difference.
Apologist Puncher
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Younis Page & Other Boards Follies - Page 8 Empty Re: Younis Page & Other Boards Follies

Post  Apologist Puncher Mon Apr 11, 2011 10:14 pm

Here's a doozy from the same link colors posted above:

#119 | robertgillis on April 11, 2011 12:38pm EST
Re: #117 -- They'd never do it but Julian Sands would be awesome as Jor-El again. Wasn't Sir Anthony Hopkins slated as Jor-El in one of the failed reboots? Y'know, if Jor-El is shown as a young man, what a Brandon Routh? Would be a nice passing of the torch. Others have fantasy football -- we have fantasy casting.

These ignorant twats just WON'T give it up.

And if you were Cavill, would you want the WORST "actor" to ever play the role "passing the torch" to you??
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Younis Page & Other Boards Follies - Page 8 Empty Re: Younis Page & Other Boards Follies

Post  thecolorsblend Mon Apr 11, 2011 10:17 pm

I don't see this getting any better. Just imagine ten years from now if a new Superman show is starting "oooh, [Blandon Routh] should be Jor-El/Jonathan/an older Lex/[Singerman] from the future/some other fucking retarded idea!"


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Younis Page & Other Boards Follies - Page 8 Empty RE: Younis Page & Other Boards Follies

Post  non_amos Mon Apr 11, 2011 10:26 pm

#61 | Steve Younis on April 10, 2011 9:57pm EST
Why do people assume this guy will be channeling Stamp? It's a new movie. A different take. Shannon's Zod will likely not bear any resemblance to Stamp's Zod. Even though I've been doing this for 15 years, I'm always disappointed at how negative Superman fans are. Sheesh!

Not enough? Another little nugget from Eunuch:

#78 | Steve Younis on April 10, 2011 11:36pm EST
Really? 1986? Says who? So the 1993 "Death of Superman" (the biggest selling comic of all time) was mis-handled? "Lois & Clark", "Smallville", all the great animated movies? Please! Give me a break! The fact is, some people just love to complain. Period. It's sad, but true. There's just no pleasing some people, and it gets old. I'm sick of people moaning about nothing. It's as if ONLY their ideas are right, and everyone else (including those in charge of making the comic, TV shows, movies, etc...) is wrong. Just because what is being done doesn't match your opinion 100% doesn't mean the character is being "mis-handled"! Some people just need to get over themselves.

It seems Eunuch is getting a little aggravated with duh apologists! Smile
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Younis Page & Other Boards Follies - Page 8 Empty Re: Younis Page & Other Boards Follies

Post  thecolorsblend Mon Apr 11, 2011 10:29 pm

That civil war gets closer all the time. All they need is a firebrand to get 'em all stirred up and then all the Apologists are history.

If only we could find a charismatic agent provocateur...

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Younis Page & Other Boards Follies - Page 8 Empty Re: Younis Page & Other Boards Follies

Post  Apologist Puncher Mon Apr 11, 2011 10:31 pm

Here's Eunuch:
Younis Page & Other Boards Follies - Page 8 Finger-wag

"Uh-uh-uh! You AIN'T gonna trash-talk my new gravy-train!"

Sell-out little prick.
Apologist Puncher
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Younis Page & Other Boards Follies - Page 8 Empty Re: Younis Page & Other Boards Follies

Post  Apologist Puncher Mon Apr 11, 2011 10:45 pm

thecolorsblend wrote:That civil war gets closer all the time. All they need is a firebrand to get 'em all stirred up and then all the Apologists are history.

If only we could find a charismatic agent provocateur...

That would be something, wouldn't it..........?
Apologist Puncher
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Younis Page & Other Boards Follies - Page 8 Empty Re: Younis Page & Other Boards Follies

Post  道 Tue Apr 12, 2011 12:31 pm

non_amos wrote:My concern is, what is it with this new guy posting an 'ID' that no one can pronounce or even have a clue what it means?! I know it's Chinese or some Asian language but how about an English translation? It reminds me of the final days of the 'Save Superman' blog that's obviously still there but inactive, where people would post like that, & if memory serves me correctly, sometimes entirely in that language, yet each 'word' seemed to be its' own 'link' & when you would place your cursor over them, you got an English version of what the link was about, & in some cases they were 'adult'. I myself didn't click on said links because I don't want viruses.

Also nothing racial here if the guy is Asian but even if he is, he's obviously American too because his English is too good not to be. The guy looks like on one hand that he can argue a point eloquently, so even if he's an apologist, maybe not a brain-dead one like at duh Homopage? Nevertheless he seems to be attacking AP, even referring to whatever AP is 'supposed' to have said at the 'Sucks' blog that supposedly has ruined the film franchise?! AP, any idea what he's talking about? There was certainly a lot of 'dissing' on Singerman but rightfully so. I can't help but feel though that's he's calling you out on something else though?! :confused:
To address your concerns (despite the fact that, oddly, you didn't address them to me):

- I do, in fact, find your comments to be more than a little racist, considering how there are widespread English courses all throughout Asia (TOEFL, ESOL, etc.), how English is taught in the grade schools all throughout Asia, and how the school systems in both Japan and China regularly kick the US school system's ass.
- I have a reason for picking the username I did. But if I told ya, you wouldn't learn nothin'.
- I have nothing to do with the spammers you're worried about. Go listen to some Black Sabbath to ease your burdens.
- I have a personal issue with AP, over the direction he took the SSS blog when SSS himself left.

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Younis Page & Other Boards Follies - Page 8 Empty Re: Younis Page & Other Boards Follies

Post  道 Tue Apr 12, 2011 12:56 pm

Apologist Puncher wrote:You're exactly right, friend. I felt SO "entitled" that I sat back and just EXPECTED the Bros. Warner to cancel the Singerman sequel, because only I HATED the first film. Right?

Hell-Fuckin'-NO. What WE did was make enough noise that the RIGHT PEOPLE heard us. From top-level exec's at WB, to the tippy-top of people involved in the Singerman Peeps debacle. WE FOUGHT for what WE wanted and believed in. And I kept OUR voices heard.

Black K? Motherfucker, I'm Superman compared to an ignorant milquetoast who takes whatever bullshit is shoveled into your face with a smile.

- You turned an otherwise informative, well-documented blog with high journalistic standards, where rational discourse about the Singerman nightmare could actually proceed... into a bigoted, trash-talking, bitter-spirited trainwreck. Sure, those people had been there when SSS was around; but he kept them in check. You didn't. You encouraged their ilk. And when people called you on it, you deleted their posts. You stooped to the exact same abuses and misuses of power that caused you to be so irate with Younis.

- Under your regime, SomethingAwful goon tactics prevailed, spilling onto professionals' blogs, cursing out innocent bystanders, griefing anyone who got in your way, and leveling libelous and completely unsubstantiated character assassinations against anyone and everyone who had anything even remotely to do with the Singerman debacle.

- You will never be Superman. Hell, you're not even SSS. At least he understood that you cannot use the tactics of a villain and remain noble. The hero tortures himself and worries that his actions and choices are wrong because they might hurt someone. The villain, on the other hand, excuses his actions, believing the end justifies the means and that history will vindicate him and paint him as the hero in the end. One is noble. The other is not. Would you characterize your actions, ALL of them since you took over the SSS blog, as being noble, AP?

- You know as well as I do that it takes very little to return the same shit that someone serves to you. It takes a bigger person to rise above it and try to inspire them to a nobler way of life. That's the whole point of Superman.

- Before you chime in with your idiosyncratic "FICTIONAL CHARACTER in a FICTIONAL UNIVERSE" mantra (that, by the way, can be traced back to you across about nine different boards and blogs) I'd just like to ask why you're so upset about Singerman, if Superman's values matter so little to you? Is it just entertainment, in the end? Do you just want to see Superman portraying those values onscreen, and nothing more? Or are you seriously sick of people trashing Superman because you, in your heart of hearts, actually believe that Superman's values are the best way to live?

- Finally, do you realize that all of us, Realist and Apologist alike, have been used? This whole drama over Singerman was simply a means to an end so one exec could take another exec's chair.

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Younis Page & Other Boards Follies - Page 8 Empty RE: Younis Page & Other Boards Follies

Post  non_amos Tue Apr 12, 2011 4:28 pm

道 wrote:
non_amos wrote:My concern is, what is it with this new guy posting an 'ID' that no one can pronounce or even have a clue what it means?! I know it's Chinese or some Asian language but how about an English translation? It reminds me of the final days of the 'Save Superman' blog that's obviously still there but inactive, where people would post like that, & if memory serves me correctly, sometimes entirely in that language, yet each 'word' seemed to be its' own 'link' & when you would place your cursor over them, you got an English version of what the link was about, & in some cases they were 'adult'. I myself didn't click on said links because I don't want viruses.

Also nothing racial here if the guy is Asian but even if he is, he's obviously American too because his English is too good not to be. The guy looks like on one hand that he can argue a point eloquently, so even if he's an apologist, maybe not a brain-dead one like at duh Homopage? Nevertheless he seems to be attacking AP, even referring to whatever AP is 'supposed' to have said at the 'Sucks' blog that supposedly has ruined the film franchise?! AP, any idea what he's talking about? There was certainly a lot of 'dissing' on Singerman but rightfully so. I can't help but feel though that's he's calling you out on something else though?! confused
To address your concerns (despite the fact that, oddly, you didn't address them to me):

- I do, in fact, find your comments to be more than a little racist, considering how there are widespread English courses all throughout Asia (TOEFL, ESOL, etc.), how English is taught in the grade schools all throughout Asia, and how the school systems in both Japan and China regularly kick the US school system's ass.
- I have a reason for picking the username I did. But if I told ya, you wouldn't learn nothin'.
- I have nothing to do with the spammers you're worried about. Go listen to some Black Sabbath to ease your burdens.
- I have a personal issue with AP, over the direction he took the SSS blog when SSS himself left.

Contrary to your belief, I am not racist! And although I've probably know for YEARS that even school-aged children learn English in JAPAN, I didn't necessarily know that for all of Asia. But you tell me then. Why is it that when I eat out at a Chinese buffet restaurant, almost NONE of the waitresses can speak proper English? Why is 'SWEET TEA' about all they can say? Why is it that when I try to explain to the waitress that I'm gonna leave the tip on my debit card INSTEAD of on the table, that she has to go get a translator?! As a matter of fact, I went to a local Chinese restaurant just the other weekend & when I tried to explain that to the waitress, she just shrugged me off completely! She didn't have the 'patience' to even TRY & understand what I was communicating. Instead, she just said loudly, "OK! WHATEVER!" And then walked off. And this is right here in the good ol' US of A! So you tell me, Grasshopper, where's the literacy?!

As for your user ID, why do you think I'd learn nothing? Is that a STEREOTYPE on YOUR part? And why do you assume that I listen to BLACK SABBATH?! And so what if I have? Another racial stereotype on your part?! Let me guess, you're not a racist but you picture some 'white guy' as being the stereotypical 'redneck' who listens to hard rock & heavy metal. Funny thing is though, so do a lot of Asians. Ever hear of a Japanese metal band called LOUDNESS? And these bands like KISS, among others, have been extremely popular in Japan! But that's OK though. Why don't you go listen to your CHINESE RESTAURANT MUSIC?!

And AP, this guy has a personal issue with YOU! AP, when you 'hinted' about the 'trunks' issue, I thought maybe you were talking about Comicbookguy, but after reading these posts, I don't believe they're the same person. Wouldn't it be something though if this actually turned out to be FAGLEY or someone else from duh Homopage?! Remember, they did invade the Sucks blog as well as Emi's blog, so what's to stop them from coming here as well? cyclops
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Younis Page & Other Boards Follies - Page 8 Empty Re: Younis Page & Other Boards Follies

Post  Apologist Puncher Tue Apr 12, 2011 10:38 pm

non_amos wrote:To address your concerns (despite the fact that, oddly, you didn't address them to me):

Because unlike YOU, people respect ME.

- I do, in fact, find your comments to be more than a little racist, considering how there are widespread English courses all throughout Asia (TOEFL, ESOL, etc.), how English is taught in the grade schools all throughout Asia, and how the school systems in both Japan and China regularly kick the US school system's ass.

And we can all already tell that you and men's asses mean a lot to each other.

- I have a reason for picking the username I did. But if I told ya, you wouldn't learn nothin'.
- I have nothing to do with the spammers you're worried about. Go listen to some Black Sabbath to ease your burdens.

You won't be around for very long, so don't expect to "teach" anyone here anything dipshit.

- I have a personal issue with AP, over the direction he took the SSS blog when SSS himself left.

Bring it on, but try a little harder next time you cunt. Your overblown bullshit is boring me and everyone else who reads it.

Oh, and to everyone else, what this guy doesn't know about SSS could fill the Pacific Fucking Ocean.

Apologist Puncher
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Younis Page & Other Boards Follies - Page 8 Empty Re: Younis Page & Other Boards Follies

Post  道 Wed Apr 13, 2011 8:16 am

non_amos wrote:Contrary to your belief, I am not racist! And although I've probably know for YEARS that even school-aged children learn English in JAPAN, I didn't necessarily know that for all of Asia. But you tell me then. Why is it that when I eat out at a Chinese buffet restaurant, almost NONE of the waitresses can speak proper English? Why is 'SWEET TEA' about all they can say? Why is it that when I try to explain to the waitress that I'm gonna leave the tip on my debit card INSTEAD of on the table, that she has to go get a translator?! As a matter of fact, I went to a local Chinese restaurant just the other weekend & when I tried to explain that to the waitress, she just shrugged me off completely! She didn't have the 'patience' to even TRY & understand what I was communicating. Instead, she just said loudly, "OK! WHATEVER!" And then walked off. And this is right here in the good ol' US of A! So you tell me, Grasshopper, where's the literacy?!

As for your user ID, why do you think I'd learn nothing? Is that a STEREOTYPE on YOUR part? And why do you assume that I listen to BLACK SABBATH?! And so what if I have? Another racial stereotype on your part?! Let me guess, you're not a racist but you picture some 'white guy' as being the stereotypical 'redneck' who listens to hard rock & heavy metal. Funny thing is though, so do a lot of Asians. Ever hear of a Japanese metal band called LOUDNESS? And these bands like KISS, among others, have been extremely popular in Japan! But that's OK though. Why don't you go listen to your CHINESE RESTAURANT MUSIC?!

I own you now. I know just how to push your buttons.

...and I have nothing whatsoever to do with SHH or the Superman Homepage. Truth.

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Younis Page & Other Boards Follies - Page 8 Empty Re: Younis Page & Other Boards Follies

Post  道 Wed Apr 13, 2011 8:27 am

Apologist Puncher wrote:Because unlike YOU, people respect ME.
You would know the difference how, exactly?

And we can all already tell that you and men's asses mean a lot to each other.
And you sure do like to imagine that kind of thing an awful lot, because you write about it so frequently.

You won't be around for very long, so don't expect to "teach" anyone here anything dipshit.
Careful. You don't want to give the others a reason to think this isn't a haven for freethinking Realists. Showing your authoritarian side (again) would do just that.

...anyway, thanks to cutting-edge tech developed by the military-industrial complex, you couldn't keep me out if I really wanted to make a nuisance of myself. But no worries. I didn't come here to fight you. Any idiot can do that.

I have something so much better planned.

Bring it on, but try a little harder next time you cunt. Your overblown bullshit is boring me and everyone else who reads it.
You might wanna check about four posts back. Care to respond?

Oh, and to everyone else, what this guy doesn't know about SSS could fill the Pacific Fucking Ocean.
Enlighten them. They're Realists. They need hard evidence, not emotional ass-kissing.

Last edited by 道 on Wed Apr 13, 2011 2:17 pm; edited 1 time in total

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Younis Page & Other Boards Follies - Page 8 Empty Re: Younis Page & Other Boards Follies

Post  thecolorsblend Wed Apr 13, 2011 1:37 pm

This whole thing revolves around the SV finale being a "standalone". I have no idea what that's supposed to translate to in terms of the finale's storyline, Welling in The Suit or whatever else. But the Apologists on the Younis page are bleating their little minds out over it. "We need at least an entire episode of Superman".

You can summarize 90% of their comments that way which is why I'm not posting a specific comment here.

How many times does it need to be said? "No flights/no tights". You can't hate that policy, you can rant about it, whatever, but if Welling never actually wears The Suit or has any type of sequence as Superman, NOBODY can say they were lied to or misled as to what the future would bring. We were PROMISED this would NEVER become an out-and-out Superman show where Welling flies and wears The Suit and is known as Superman. To violate the principle is the textbook definition of "jumping the shark". That may be welcome to some but it's still a repudiation of the show's mission statement.

Plus... guys, it's been ten years now and those morons STILL haven't caught on? I mean, I know they're stupid but COME ON!

Anyway. Just ranting.

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Younis Page & Other Boards Follies - Page 8 Empty Re: Younis Page & Other Boards Follies

Post  Apologist Puncher Wed Apr 13, 2011 8:37 pm

道 wrote:You would know the difference how, exactly?

Because unlike YOU, I have a little thing called intelligence.

And you sure do like to imagine that kind of thing an awful lot, because you write about it so frequently.

Yep, you got me there!

But the difference between us is I don't participate. Can you say the same, dink?

Careful. You don't want to give the others a reason to think this isn't a haven for freethinking Realists. Showing your authoritarian side (again) would do just that.

...anyway, thanks to cutting-edge tech developed by the military-industrial complex, you couldn't keep me out if I really wanted to make a nuisance of myself. But no worries. I didn't come here to fight you. Any idiot can do that.

Ah, so you think only YOU know a thing or two about computers and anonymity? You're in for a HUGE surprise, asshole.

I have something so much better planned.

I'm sure you THINK you do. And you've done such a GOOD job so far, haven't you....?

Enlighten them. They're Realists. They need hard evidence, not emotional ass-kissing.

They don't need enlightening. They know the truth already.

You? You are a fucking ignorant twat.
Apologist Puncher
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Younis Page & Other Boards Follies - Page 8 Empty RE: Younis Page & Other Boards Follies

Post  non_amos Wed Apr 13, 2011 9:39 pm

Good grief! Speak of the devil! I mentioned Eunuch's 'server problems' on another thread. Now in reference to the 'Diane Lane' thread I posted on & quoted Sabaoth from, now duh sheeple feel so bad for Eunuch & all of his problems that they're willing to DONATE MONEY to him!:

#5 | shamrockdude01 on April 12, 2011 9:55am EST
("Thank you Steve for all you do for this (let us remind everyone)VOLUNTEER and UNPAID site! Supermanhomepage means so much to so many people. Your efforts are herculean and we appreciate all you do. This site means a lot to all of us. Get some rest friend! And thank you again!")

I totally agree! Steve I really do appreciate all your efforts because this is one of the first sites I check every morning when I go on the 'net. It's truly fantastic and I personally feel there should be an option to make a donation towards Steve's hard work. I wouldn't mind paying $10 or $20 every so often for the upkeep of this site and for the amount of time Steve puts into running it. What do you guys think?

And that's not all folks:

#6 | mikey on April 12, 2011 10:06am EST
Donation would be a good idea. This is one of my favourite sites and I've been viewing it for years. Good job Steve!

And how did Eunuch respond to all of this out-pouring of sympathy?:

#26 | Steve Younis on April 13, 2011 12:31am EST
Thanks for all the kind comments. I've created an optional donation button as suggested by a few people. You'll find it on the left side of the site.

So you heard it here folks! Click on the 'DONATE' button. I'm sure he accepts all major credit & debit cards & even PayPal. Just send your 10 or 20 bucks to Eunuch immediately for his 'pain & suffering'. Hmmmm?! Ya know what, the timing of these 'server problems' couldn't have been more convenient, now could it? Wink
Christopher Reeve
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Younis Page & Other Boards Follies - Page 8 Empty Re: Younis Page & Other Boards Follies

Post  Apologist Puncher Wed Apr 13, 2011 10:12 pm

I guess people just don't want to buy any of the crap he is peddling. And I bet 10-to1 that Eunuch himself posted as one of the examples you mentioned.

How sad....
Apologist Puncher
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Younis Page & Other Boards Follies - Page 8 Empty Re: Younis Page & Other Boards Follies

Post  thecolorsblend Thu Apr 14, 2011 2:15 am

Sometimes no comment is necessary.

Younis page news announcement wrote:April 14, 2011: "Cura Te Ipsum" by Neal Bailey Now in Trade Paperback
Cura Te Ipsum "Cura Te Ipsum Goes to Trade! Multiple Universes, Two Awesome Formats!"

In response to reader demand, popular digital comic Cura Te Ipsum will be collected in a trade paperback for release on May 7th, Free Comic Book Day.

Cura tells the story of Charlie Everett, a man who tries to commit suicide only to be stopped by his alternate self. Across multiple universes, Charlie and his many doppelgangers seek to stop their own suicides. All goes well until they encounter the Dark Everett, a lunatic that believes all of the Charlies were meant to die, a man who will murder to see that happen.

After a favorable article on drove up readership by a factor of five, a trade became inevitable.

Cura Te Ipsum - Volume One features the first six months of the story, script-to-page comparisons, character designs, pin-ups, and original art that can't be found on the website.

The trade will come in two versions, a regular version (US$10.00), and a special edition (US$20.00, limited to fifty copies) that comes with a bonus exclusive full-color poster and a hand drawn and inked Cura character sketch by series artist, Dexter Wee.

Series creator Neal Bailey is excited by both the product and the price point: "These sketches, normally you'd pay thirty bucks to get them at a con, and that's in pencil. I want to make sure that everyone gets a lot of bang for their buck. I know what it's like to be broke. You want to get the most value you can!"

Pre-orders are now open at Any press inquiries should be directed to



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Younis Page & Other Boards Follies - Page 8 Empty Re: Younis Page & Other Boards Follies

Post  Father Finian Thu Apr 14, 2011 5:28 am

Apologist Puncher wrote:Hell-Fuckin'-NO. What WE did was make enough noise that the RIGHT PEOPLE heard us. From top-level exec's at WB, to the tippy-top of people involved in the Singerman Peeps debacle. WE FOUGHT for what WE wanted and believed in. And I kept OUR voices heard.

Fuckin spot on.

Father Finian
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Post  Father Finian Thu Apr 14, 2011 5:35 am

thecolorsblend wrote:In a lot of ways, I wish Kevin Smith had never told that story because you get a bunch of morons making "clever" references to it like this. Far be it from me to defend the Tim Burton/Jon Peters/Nicolas Cage piece of monkey vomit, but (A) there would've been more vision and originality in that film than there was in the entirety of Singerman and (B) this joke really belongs to one man, and has been run into the ground.

That joke's been done to death, to be sure. Although it was worth repeating in the "Death Of Superman" animated movie (Got to hand it to the animation guys, they don't hold back poking fun at their big screen relations! I still enjoy the piss take Schumacher copped in "Legends Of The Dark Knight")

I'll always give Smith a free pass because a) He monumentally shit canned Singerman and called it out for what it was..and b) He then cast Ruth as a homosexual. Talk about adding fuel to the fire on that little "rumour"......and Ruth walked right into it. Well, Ruth gotta eat.

Last edited by Father Finian on Thu Apr 14, 2011 5:47 am; edited 1 time in total

Father Finian
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Younis Page & Other Boards Follies - Page 8 Empty Re: Younis Page & Other Boards Follies

Post  Father Finian Thu Apr 14, 2011 5:40 am

non_amos wrote:

#78 | Steve Younis on April 10, 2011 11:36pm ESTPlease! Give me a break! The fact is, some people just love to complain. Period. It's sad, but true. There's just no pleasing some people, and it gets old. I'm sick of people moaning about nothing. It's as if ONLY their ideas are right, and everyone else (including those in charge of making the comic, TV shows, movies, etc...) is wrong. Just because what is being done doesn't match your opinion 100% doesn't mean the character is being "mis-handled"! Some people just need to get over themselves.

It seems Eunuch is getting a little aggravated with duh apologists! Smile

WTF?? Is he kidding? Has he never read a Bailey review of Smallville? Jesus Christ, that takes the fuckin cake.

Father Finian
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Younis Page & Other Boards Follies - Page 8 Empty Re: Younis Page & Other Boards Follies

Post  Father Finian Thu Apr 14, 2011 5:46 am

non_amos wrote:So you heard it here folks! Click on the 'DONATE' button. I'm sure he accepts all major credit & debit cards & even PayPal. Just send your 10 or 20 bucks to Eunuch immediately for his 'pain & suffering'. Hmmmm?! Ya know what, the timing of these 'server problems' couldn't have been more convenient, now could it? Wink

Unbelievable. With all the worthy causes around the world at the moment, Eunuch starts a charity drive for himself. Lovely work. Just like Superman would do.......

Honestly, Warners/DC should pull any form of accreditation he has out from under him.

Father Finian
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Younis Page & Other Boards Follies - Page 8 Empty Re: Younis Page & Other Boards Follies

Post  Father Finian Thu Apr 14, 2011 5:49 am

thecolorsblend wrote:Sometimes no comment is necessary.

Younis page news announcement wrote:
Cura tells the story of Charlie Everett, a man who tries to commit suicide only to be stopped by his alternate self. Across multiple universes, Charlie and his many doppelgangers seek to stop their own suicides. All goes well until they encounter the Dark Everett, a lunatic that believes all of the Charlies were meant to die, a man who will murder to see that happen.

Obviously autobiographical.

Fuckin hell Bailey, switch to beer!

Father Finian
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George Reeves

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Younis Page & Other Boards Follies - Page 8 Empty Re: Younis Page & Other Boards Follies

Post  Father Finian Thu Apr 14, 2011 6:04 am

道 wrote:- I have a personal issue with AP, over the direction he took the SSS blog when SSS himself left.

Oh, boo fuckin hoo, you poor little thing, you.

Nobody is stopping you from starting your own blog and doing what you want with it. One of the great thing about these Americans and their freedom of speech. Those Chinese schools might teach English reel goodly, ask em to teach you about democracy and freedom of speech

Father Finian
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