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Election 2012

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Election 2012 Empty Election 2012

Post  thecolorsblend Wed Sep 07, 2011 3:22 pm

Am I the only one who wishes Ron Paul's kool-aid drinkers would have a warm glass of shut the fuck up? The man himself is less annoying than his nutjob followers.

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Election 2012 Empty Re: Election 2012

Post  Apologist Puncher Thu Sep 08, 2011 6:51 pm

All politicians should.
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Election 2012 Empty Re: Election 2012

Post  thecolorsblend Mon Jan 02, 2012 7:58 pm

Not loving Flip Romney's chances in Iowa. I've got nothing personal against the guy but he's rarely (if ever) polled above 30% anywhere. Plus, the majority of the polls conducted have been national ones. Methinks individual states will have different results.

Even if Flip wins Iowa, I honestly can't remember the last time the Iowa winner got the nomination in a Presidential contest. This thing is far from over.

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Election 2012 Empty Re: Election 2012

Post  non_amos Tue Jan 03, 2012 3:30 am

I'm not real thrilled with the current election prospects. My fear is that Obama gets re-elected, maybe even sort of by 'default'. Even my cousin tended to agree with me over the holidays because as he put it, "The Republicans ain't got nobody!" Now, I'm not wanting to argue politics with anyone. You vote how you wish, that's your right as an American. And do vote! Even if it looks bleak! But you can probably relate to what I'm saying. I remember back during Desert Shield/Storm, some TV news commentator made the statement that George H.W Bush had the re-election 'in the bag'. But then the economy got a little bad. Maybe not like recently, but enough to make people change their opinions maybe. Then along comes Bill Clinton like some fast-rising star! And even when he had his own re-election, it didn't seem like he really had much formidable competition.

That's kinda how I feel about the current state. In spite of any problems, Obama is still like a 'rock star'. And the Republican candidates are the butt of late-night comedians' jokes. I guess this is partially why I'm concerned. For a Republican to win, they probably need to get a real powerhouse in there nominated & for some reason I just ain't seeing it.
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Election 2012 Empty Re: Election 2012

Post  thecolorsblend Tue Jan 03, 2012 4:33 am

non_amos wrote:I'm not real thrilled with the current election prospects. My fear is that Obama gets re-elected, maybe even sort of by 'default'. Even my cousin tended to agree with me over the holidays because as he put it, "The Republicans ain't got nobody!" Now, I'm not wanting to argue politics with anyone. You vote how you wish, that's your right as an American. And do vote! Even if it looks bleak! But you can probably relate to what I'm saying. I remember back during Desert Shield/Storm, some TV news commentator made the statement that George H.W Bush had the re-election 'in the bag'. But then the economy got a little bad. Maybe not like recently, but enough to make people change their opinions maybe. Then along comes Bill Clinton like some fast-rising star! And even when he had his own re-election, it didn't seem like he really had much formidable competition.

That's kinda how I feel about the current state. In spite of any problems, Obama is still like a 'rock star'. And the Republican candidates are the butt of late-night comedians' jokes. I guess this is partially why I'm concerned. For a Republican to win, they probably need to get a real powerhouse in there nominated & for some reason I just ain't seeing it.
Well, this is tinfoil hat fodder for some but there's a strong (at the very least) left-of-center bias in media. It's just how things go. The fact that some jackoff late night comedian is making jokes at a GOP candidates expense is (A) nothing new and (B) to be expected. The Left will always have the media and 99% of celebrities on their side. And even when they don't, it's because The Left isn't left ENOUGH for some of 'em.

To the current batch of candidates, I'm not seeing any candidates that really thrill me... but on the other hand, I get VERY thrilled thinking about ANY of them replacing Obambi. And honestly, any of them (except maybe Ron Paul) could. If the election happened on Tuesday, I'm convinced that [INSERT REPUB CANDIDATE HERE] would win handily.

The GOP will never have the media on their side. The sooner they realize, the sooner the John McSame's of the world will shut the fuck up already.

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Election 2012 Empty Re: Election 2012

Post  webhead2006 Tue Jan 03, 2012 2:14 pm

I try to stay out of politics myself. But I agree from what little I followed and seen on the news the republicans are all not wise choices. But I don't know.
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Election 2012 Empty Re: Election 2012

Post  thecolorsblend Mon Sep 24, 2012 4:25 am

Here's another thing that burns my balls about the modern political discourse. The first Presidential election I was old enough to vote in was 2000. Back then, the gripe a lot of people had was that the two parties were basically the same and there was very little to distinguish Al Gore from George W. Bush. And to be fair, I can see that "too centrist" argument based on how those two campaigned (even if history has since shown us just how ideologically far apart they truly are).

But nowadays, the main gripe is that both parties are too extreme, there's too much polarization going on and so nothing can get done. Too much gridlock.

Well, what's gonna be, assholes? Which do you want? Compromise, unity, reaching across the aisle, peace, love and granola? Or scorched earth, take no prisoners, ideologically-driven campaigns and candidates?

Or, in typical American fashion, do we bitch and complain just to bitch and complain?

Apart from that though, I haven't voted for and supported all these Tea Party candidates just so they can go to Washington and sing Kumbaya with the Democrats. I did it specifically to drive legislative (and hopefully executive) gridlock because I couldn't possibly disagree more with the policies of the Democrat Party in general and the Preezy in particular. When you disagree with the policies of the party in power, you send in the most uncompromising, draconian extremists on your side to at least slow the bastards down, IT'S THE ENTIRE MOTHERFUCKING POINT OF DEMOCRACY! Fuck's sake people, we shouldn't have to break it down and use pictures like this.

And something else, if you're just going to reply with a variation on "you're wrong for believing what you do", save your breath. (A) I'm not wrong and (B) you're not going to change my mind or my vote. You're not going to "open my eyes to the bigger picture" or somehow change my opinion of Teleprompter Jesus. Don't waste your time. Or mine.

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Election 2012 Empty Re: Election 2012

Post  James Stocks Wed Sep 26, 2012 9:26 pm

US politics really blows this year. When it was Obama and McCain, you wouldn't be sure who could win because they seemed awfully close. Obama had my vote then, but at least you could respect McCain because he seemed like a straight shooter and a gentleman (if it weren't for Palin in the VP slot, I might have seriously considered McCain). But with this year's Obama and Romney? It's a joke. Obama is now likely to win, but as said earlier that's only by default because Romney keeps shooting himself in the foot consistently, more than I have ever seen a candidate do in my lifetime. I just can't take him seriously and you know something's rotten in Denmark when people in his own campaign are dropping out and that he's losing the confidence of his own party (although FOX NEWS tries put a positive spin in such an extreme fashion that it's comical, I seriously love that channel).

Frankly, I'm looking more forward to how 2016 pans out just to see how the Republicans recover.
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Election 2012 Empty Re: Election 2012

Post  thecolorsblend Wed Sep 26, 2012 9:44 pm

James Stocks wrote:US politics really blows this year. When it was Obama and McCain, you wouldn't be sure who could win because they seemed awfully close. Obama had my vote then, but at least you could respect McCain because he seemed like a straight shooter and a gentleman (if it weren't for Palin in the VP slot, I might have seriously considered McCain). But with this year's Obama and Romney? It's a joke. Obama is now likely to win, but as said earlier that's only by default because Romney keeps shooting himself in the foot consistently, more than I have ever seen a candidate do in my lifetime. I just can't take him seriously and you know something's rotten in Denmark when people in his own campaign are dropping out and that he's losing the confidence of his own party (although FOX NEWS tries put a positive spin in such an extreme fashion that it's comical, I seriously love that channel).

Frankly, I'm looking more forward to how 2016 pans out just to see how the Republicans recover.
The main reason I'm replying here is to quote this post. Not implying you'd change it after election day, of course.

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Election 2012 Empty Re: Election 2012

Post  Apologist Puncher Wed Sep 26, 2012 10:57 pm

James Stocks wrote:US politics really blows this year. When it was Obama and McCain, you wouldn't be sure who could win because they seemed awfully close. Obama had my vote then, but at least you could respect McCain because he seemed like a straight shooter and a gentleman (if it weren't for Palin in the VP slot, I might have seriously considered McCain). But with this year's Obama and Romney? It's a joke. Obama is now likely to win, but as said earlier that's only by default because Romney keeps shooting himself in the foot consistently, more than I have ever seen a candidate do in my lifetime. I just can't take him seriously and you know something's rotten in Denmark when people in his own campaign are dropping out and that he's losing the confidence of his own party (although FOX NEWS tries put a positive spin in such an extreme fashion that it's comical, I seriously love that channel).

Frankly, I'm looking more forward to how 2016 pans out just to see how the Republicans recover.

What's funny is, Obama is FAR worse at this very thing, only you don't hear about it because of the media's blatant bias.

Anybody see the media in an uproar over Obama's guy funneling weapons down into Mexico, hoping to get them in the hands of the drug "kingpins", only to have them be used to murder innocent civilians? And then Obama tossing out the race card at those who actually DID bring it up? Or his video where he states that the government should be able to TAKE money from the rich, and redistribute it to everyone else? You know, like Communists do?? How about this?:

The president told the UN that the “future must not belong” to a series of people including “corrupt” leaders and those who “bully women.” But one line from that list stood out. “The future must not belong to those who slander the prophet of Islam.”

Are you FUCKING serious? Slander God? Sure. Slander Jesus? Get your kicks. Slander the pedohpile Mohammad?

WOAH-WOAH-WOAH!! Not allowed, bitches.

I could go on and on, but what's the point? Anyone who votes for the least qualified President we have EVER had for a second term, is an idiot and an automaton.

Oh yeah, registered Democrat here.
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Election 2012 Empty Re: Election 2012

Post  thecolorsblend Wed Sep 26, 2012 11:21 pm

The other side to that is Governor Romney's "gaffes"... um, he didn't shit talk the 47% who don't pay taxes, he simply (A) noted that they do exist and (B) he cannot count on their votes so he has to reach for the votes he can get.

Apart from offending the unemployed layabouts that constitute St. Hopenchange's base, how exactly is that a "gaffe"?

A "gaffe" is what you call it when someone thinks there are 57 states in the union, refers to murdered ambassadors as "bumps in the road" or fail to put together a coherent fucking sentence to describe how much his health care plan will cost over ten years.

Apart from that, people who think this is all a done deal, game, set, match Obambi... I'm sorry, what fucking bizarro world do YOU live in? Barry is a step away from hosting a White House garage sale for extra campaign funds (what happened to that billion dollars we were told he would raise?) and he keeps moving all of his campaign appearances to smaller and smaller venues while the Romney/Ryan ticket are followed by huge crowds. Forget the cooked polls for a minute and answer me THAT.

Lastly, the best argument anybody can make is that Pennsylvania is in play. Frankly, between their new voter ID law and their state economy catering to coal, fracking and other energy-based enterprises (y'know, the very thing The Amateur In Chief has declared war on), methinks Governor Romney has a better than average chance of carrying that state. I'm similarly not prepared to take New Hampshire and Virginia off the table either. And if Florida is such a sure thing for Barry, why the hell is he campaigning there so much? California and Massachusetts are definite things for Teleprompter Jesus and he's not campaigning like crazy in either of those states so what makes Florida so special?

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Election 2012 Empty Re: Election 2012

Post  James Stocks Thu Sep 27, 2012 1:49 am

That's another thing that really bugs me: Media bias and sensationalism. It's everywhere now because with FOX NEWS showing how their right-wing slant gets the ratings then MSNBC sees the formula and uses that for the left route (though I must give them credit for sacking Olberman, who was turning into a Beck-screaming commentator) and then all the other "news organizations" follow suit. It's hard to get the facts right now because everyone has an agenda. The Ed Murrows don't exist anymore, and in this day and age we need them more than ever.
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Election 2012 Empty Re: Election 2012

Post  James Stocks Thu Sep 27, 2012 3:19 pm

Heard this on the radio:

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Election 2012 Empty Re: Election 2012

Post  Apologist Puncher Thu Sep 27, 2012 11:23 pm

James Stocks wrote:Heard this on the radio:


Obama "supporter" in a nutshell.

Who needs to be in a straight-jacket, while being hauled-off to rehab....
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Election 2012 Empty Re: Election 2012

Post  thecolorsblend Fri Sep 28, 2012 12:19 am

She isn't lying.

EDIT- Remember when Governor Romney talked about the 47% a while back? Yeah, that's who he was talking about.

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Election 2012 Empty Re: Election 2012

Post  James Stocks Fri Sep 28, 2012 1:22 am

Shows you why pay phones are dropping like flies.
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Election 2012 Empty Re: Election 2012

Post  thecolorsblend Fri Sep 28, 2012 1:24 am

James Stocks wrote:Shows you why pay phones are dropping like flies.
Also shows you the level of intellect Teleprompter Jesus is striving to get support from.

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Election 2012 Empty Re: Election 2012

Post  James Stocks Fri Sep 28, 2012 2:02 am

And I thought he was going for those elitists. Funny how Obama AND Romney now seem to get the same rap.

Election 2012 120806_romney-phone_4x3photoblog600
"Just reminding you of the meeting at the Eccentric Club next Thursday. Plan on discussing fine arts and decor, while sipping Le Montrachet. See you there."

Election 2012 Obama-on-the-phone
"Well, I do suppose I can try and make it. You see I have tea in the gardens near the chalet on Thursday at noon. And then after that, I must...just must remodel my 4th bedroom. I just don't like the shade of white that is on the wall. Must be the tenth time I have painted it. But once I get done selecting some vintage wines for the cellar (those lower class scoundrels who sell wine can be the biggest pain, can't they?) I'll head right on over. I'm looking forward to it! I'll ask my man to pick you up on the way there. He might have to refuel before dropping by. Make sure your airport in your backyard is open. Cheers, See you Thursday!"
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Election 2012 Empty Re: Election 2012

Post  thecolorsblend Fri Sep 28, 2012 2:08 am

Were you planning to credit the original source of that? I assume the missing hyperlink to is an oversight on your part.

Apart from that, I'm not completely sure I'm following your point here. The two candidates are basically the same? They're both elitist jerks? What's the issue exactly?

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Election 2012 Empty Re: Election 2012

Post  James Stocks Fri Sep 28, 2012 2:14 am

Just saying the elitist remarks are being thrown at both, while posting captioned photos that are meant for nothing more than a cheap laugh.
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Election 2012 Empty Re: Election 2012

Post  James Stocks Fri Sep 28, 2012 2:38 pm

YouTube never ceases to amaze me.

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Election 2012 Empty Re: Election 2012

Post  thecolorsblend Fri Sep 28, 2012 2:45 pm

The media never cease to amaze me.

When people talk about traditional TV journalism being obsolete, this is what I think they mean. And they're wrong. It's not obsolete. What's obsolete is the leftwing bias because now people have a chance to respond and fact-check.

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Election 2012 Empty Re: Election 2012

Post  James Stocks Fri Sep 28, 2012 3:08 pm

Cable news has gone to hell. I don't like FOX NEWS as a whole but I do have respect for Chris Wallace as he seems to be the most unbiased guy not just in that channel but all of cable news.
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Election 2012 Empty Re: Election 2012

Post  thecolorsblend Fri Sep 28, 2012 3:16 pm

James Stocks wrote:Cable news has gone to hell. I don't like FOX NEWS as a whole but I do have respect for Chris Wallace as he seems to be the most unbiased guy not just in that channel but all of cable news.
Dude, this isn't about Fox News. They're strictly middle of the road compared to the MSNBC lunatics.

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Election 2012 Empty Re: Election 2012

Post  James Stocks Fri Sep 28, 2012 3:29 pm

I was talking about cable news as a whole, I only brought up FOX because that's where Chris Wallace happens to work at and I wanted to throw a shout out for him. As far as I'm concerned, ALL of the cable news organizations are biased. CNN, MSNBC, FOX, ABC, ect.
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