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'Iron Man & Hulk: Heroes United' Animated DVD

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'Iron Man & Hulk: Heroes United' Animated DVD Empty 'Iron Man & Hulk: Heroes United' Animated DVD

Post  Apologist Puncher Fri Oct 05, 2012 10:30 pm

First Look at ‘Iron Man & Hulk: Heroes United’ from Marvel Animation Studios
Posted on 10.4.12 by Philip Sticco

'Iron Man & Hulk: Heroes United' Animated DVD The-Avengers-banner-HD-Ironman-Hulk

The first images from Iron Man & Hulk: Heroes United are here. You can see them below.

The first film from Marvel Animation Studios is set for home video release on April 23rd. It features Iron Man and the Hulk battling Zzzax.

From Entertainment Weekly:

Zzzax is a character long familiar to fans of the Hulk, a sentient being created by accident after a terrorist attack on a nuclear plant caused a bizarre chain reaction. The living energy mass that results, dubbed “It!” on the cover of its first comic book appearance in August 1973, is a kind of giant, lumbering brainwave vampire, consuming the electrical impulses in the heads of every living thing it encounters.

Here’s Jeff Loeb, Vice President of Marvel’s TV division, on Zzzax:

“We see his origin in the movie. It’s what would happen if the entire Eastern seaboard [electrical grid] went out. The two heroes meet up, thinking of each other as to blame.

“Calamity ensues.”

I like calamity, especially when it’s Hulk brand calamity.

'Iron Man & Hulk: Heroes United' Animated DVD HULK

'Iron Man & Hulk: Heroes United' Animated DVD IRON-MAN

'Iron Man & Hulk: Heroes United' Animated DVD HULK-IRON-MAN
Apologist Puncher
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'Iron Man & Hulk: Heroes United' Animated DVD Empty Re: 'Iron Man & Hulk: Heroes United' Animated DVD

Post  webhead2006 Wed Oct 10, 2012 6:19 pm

Sounds interesting. I hope it does well in sales so then hopefully we get more marvel animated films cranked out like dc has past few yrs.
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