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Michael Rosenbaum For The Smallville Finale!!

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Michael Rosenbaum For The Smallville Finale!! - Page 3 Empty Re: Michael Rosenbaum For The Smallville Finale!!

Post  thecolorsblend Sat Feb 12, 2011 2:57 am

non_amos wrote:I just found this out by coming back here & reading the link. Do you suppose he heard the fan uproar & then, in the interest of his future career, re-evaluated his earlier decision? Good PR in other words. I just hope they do away with the clone angle & that it turns out that Lex anticipated Ollie's move & therefore it turns out to be one of the clones that got blew to Kingdom Come. I mean, as intelligent as Lex is supposed to be, that way he met his demise some time ago was rather idiotic, like 'America's Dumbest Criminals' or something. I hope that the real Lex was actually behind the scenes somewhere, remotely observing. The entire 'clone' thing could be presented as a ruse to throw Clark & company off until his real return, because think about it. The clone is sick & aging rapidly. I don't understand why the needle bent that Tess tried to poke him with, unless they're gonna make him super like Clark, but since he's actually dying, maybe that whole thing is playing into the real Luthor's hands?

Maybe the real Lex escaped the Fortress at the end of Season 7 due to Kryptonian tech or something? Maybe since then he hatched his whole 'clones' plot, watched 'himself get murdered, & has since just been biding his time until he reveals himself to the world again. However, unlike LIONEL , we could have the real Lex. It'll also be interesting to see how Lex interacts with 'alt-Lionel'. I know, I know, since Smallville is notorious for changing and/or altering the canon, TPTB may actually have Rosenbaum as the adult clone, but I really wish it would be the real Lex. SMALLVILLE PRODUCERS, are you TROLLING message boards to gauge fan reaction to this news? IF so, please hear me out. Bring back the REAL LEX LUTHOR in this finale. Find an explanation that fits like I suggested. No clones allowed!
Setting Rosenbaum up as the real Lex, Lex Prime, is the only thing that really makes sense. If you were just going to invent another freaking clone, you don't bring Rosenbaum back for that. You could bring back that Nosferatu guy from this year's premiere or Lucas Grabeel (both did a hell of a job, incidentally) or someone else. The only thing that makes sense is if Rosenbaum is the REAL Lex and not another damned clone.

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Michael Rosenbaum For The Smallville Finale!! - Page 3 Empty Re: Michael Rosenbaum For The Smallville Finale!!

Post  Father Finian Sat Feb 12, 2011 8:59 pm

webhead2006 wrote:I think personally deal was in place or was getting hammered out....

Yeah, we've been saying that since the first page of this thread.

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Michael Rosenbaum For The Smallville Finale!! - Page 3 Empty Re: Michael Rosenbaum For The Smallville Finale!!

Post  Father Finian Sat Feb 12, 2011 9:00 pm

thecolorsblend wrote:The only thing that makes sense is if Rosenbaum is the REAL Lex and not another damned clone.

Absolutely, and of course we'd find that he's been monitoring events all along....

Seriously, I hope they knock it out of the park with the finale now.

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Michael Rosenbaum For The Smallville Finale!! - Page 3 Empty Re: Michael Rosenbaum For The Smallville Finale!!

Post  webhead2006 Sun Feb 13, 2011 10:32 am

Ya I am very curious to see what they do with michael lex. Will he be aged clone, will the clone end up be sv take on conner kent?. Will they reveal lex was really alive all this time. With the lex in the truck was actually one of his first clone attempts. Then the big question is will he wear bald cap or shave his head.
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Michael Rosenbaum For The Smallville Finale!! - Page 3 Empty Re: Michael Rosenbaum For The Smallville Finale!!

Post  thecolorsblend Sun Feb 13, 2011 10:45 am

Can someone please explain where this Connor Kent bullshit is coming from? Did I miss a spoiler leak or something?

For one, I hope Connor never comes on to the show. He was only interesting up until he had the "Connor" name assigned, his powers reinvented and his origin retconned. After that, I lost interest. Please, for crying out loud, leave Connor the fuck out of this.

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Michael Rosenbaum For The Smallville Finale!! - Page 3 Empty Re: Michael Rosenbaum For The Smallville Finale!!

Post  webhead2006 Sun Feb 13, 2011 11:44 am

It came from an ausiello blank spoiler a few weeks back saying, ...... k... is coming to town. At first thought some thought martha but she was already known to be back. So it wasn't her. Then for me I was thinking maybe it was kara since after the blank spoiler came out it was confirmed she would be returning. But again wasn't her. So then on some boards like shh and probably ksite some theorized it might be conner kent. Which could work with all the cloning stuff going on this season with lex. So that is how it came to be. And after this week, the theory could be true to some degree with a sv take on conner, which is more lex clone, with possible influences of clark dna to give powers.
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Michael Rosenbaum For The Smallville Finale!! - Page 3 Empty Re: Michael Rosenbaum For The Smallville Finale!!

Post  thecolorsblend Sun Feb 13, 2011 12:03 pm

I'll miss the show when it's over... but I won't miss Ausiello and his little "fill in the blank and make me feel special for being a professional hanger-on" games.

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Michael Rosenbaum For The Smallville Finale!! - Page 3 Empty Re: Michael Rosenbaum For The Smallville Finale!!

Post  Apologist Puncher Sun Feb 13, 2011 8:46 pm

webhead2006 wrote: So then on some boards like shh and probably ksite some theorized it might be conner kent. Which could work with all the cloning stuff going on this season with lex. So that is how it came to be. And after this week, the theory could be true to some degree with a sv take on conner, which is more lex clone, with possible influences of clark dna to give powers.

How exactly can it "work" at this point in the season? And don't expect that "theory" to be "true to some degree". Not even ONE degree.

UPDATE: To show that I was indeed wrong, here you go....
Michael Rosenbaum For The Smallville Finale!! - Page 3 Eating-Crow
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Michael Rosenbaum For The Smallville Finale!! - Page 3 Empty Re: Michael Rosenbaum For The Smallville Finale!!

Post  thecolorsblend Wed Mar 09, 2011 3:39 am

Zap 2 It wrote:Michael Rosenbaum reveals 'Smallville' finale details, pays homage on 'Breaking In'

By Tierney Bricker

March 8, 2011 9:36 PM ET
Follow @tbrick2 on TwitterTwitter
Michael Rosenbaum just can't escape "Smallville."

Not that he's complaining. Quite the opposite, actually. His new FOX show "Breaking In," which premieres April 6, has an upcoming episode that takes place at Comic-Con. Zap2it was on the set and got a sneak peek at all the costumes.

Guess what Rosenbaum's character Dutch will be wearing? You guessed it -- a Superman shirt. Before you go thinking he's dressed as the Man of Steel, he is actually dressed as a beloved '80s character who happens to wear a Superman shirt. Speculate away! (COLORS NOTE- Sloth, duh)

"It's a little homage. Adam Goldberg, the creator, really asked a lot and I said, 'Whatever you want,'" Rosenbaum says of the meta moment. "It's comedy, let's make fun of ourselves. I'll put on a Superman shirt, I'll do whatever."

Speaking of whatever, his character Dutch seems to be down for whatever, something Rosenbaum embraces. He describes him as "complete douche on the outside, nice guy on the inside," who wears Uggs, bleaches his hair and wears two watches at the same time.

"Smallville" fans looking for their favorite bald-headed anti-hero are in for a shock, to say the least. So what does Rosenbaum think his fans' initial reaction will be to Dutch? "The first fan reaction would be like, 'I like him better as Lex. He looks better bald. He shouldn't be on this show. He should be Lex forever,'" he teases affectionately. "that would probably be their first reaction. Hopefully some of them will go, 'Oh, he's actually kind of funny. This is good,' or maybe not. I think one thing they'll appreciate is that whatever character I do, I go balls out."

Obviously, we had to be greedy and ask Rosenbaum for even more scoop on the series finale of "Smallville," and while he wouldn't reveal too much -- like if he shot any scenes with anyone besides Tom Welling -- he did say you will be seeing more of Lex Luthor than you might have originally thought.

"We did a lot. I know people thought, 'Oh, he only went up for one day.' We did 19 hours," he explains. "Okay, for anyone out there who is like, 'Oh, he only went out there for one day,' I was up there for 19 hours."

He continues, "We did four different things. Two nice scenes and then two other specialty things that I won't tell you about. I'm a part of the finale and I think it's important."

Count 'em, people. That's four Lex scenes/"specialty things" you can look forward to. We now leave it to you to debate just what those specialty things are.

Finally, we asked Rosenbaum what "Smallville" has meant to him personally. He took a moment before answering, "The show is a big part of my life. I did seven years of it and you know, I know the make-up artist and the hair people -- well, not the hair people [laughs] -- but I know the make-up artist better than I know my own family. I spent two hours a day with them a day for seven years, you know, the whole crew. I had nicknames for the whole crew.

"It's a part of life, a part of my life that I'll always remember and that I'll look fondly on," he says. "What can I say? Great times. It's nice that it's finally ending, to end that chapter in your life."


Four scenes in one day? Sounds about right. For whatever reason, I assumed it'd be closer to two scenes. One to tease his participation in the finale and then another to bring it all to fullness. But that was always wonky math on my part. Four scenes? Not hard to believe. Heavier participation sure would've been nice but I'll take what I can get.

Don't know if I ever commented on it here but obviously the guy's going to wear a bald cap. I'm cool with that. There are a lot of Lex scenes over the years where he has five o'clock shadow on his face and stubble on his head. Such is the nature of TV production schedules. Obviously these are non-issues with a bald cap and a relatively meager 19 hours of shooting. I don't expect it to look entirely convincing but it's not like it's never looked unconvincing before.

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Michael Rosenbaum For The Smallville Finale!! - Page 3 Empty Re: Michael Rosenbaum For The Smallville Finale!!

Post  webhead2006 Wed Mar 09, 2011 4:08 am

Just was reading that interview. Nice to hear some small details about his return. Can't wait to see what the scenes are. As for the whole day thing I do recall he was up there for about 2-3 days. So the 19hrs comment could probably mean in total amount of footage time he shot on during filming. But anyhow so can't wait to see lex in finale.
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Michael Rosenbaum For The Smallville Finale!! - Page 3 Empty Re: Michael Rosenbaum For The Smallville Finale!!

Post  Father Finian Wed Mar 09, 2011 2:42 pm

webhead2006 wrote:So the 19hrs comment could probably mean in total amount of footage time he shot on during filming. But anyhow so can't wait to see lex in finale.

Nice work if you can get it.

Yes, it'll be great to see the prick again!

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Michael Rosenbaum For The Smallville Finale!! - Page 3 Empty Re: Michael Rosenbaum For The Smallville Finale!!

Post  thecolorsblend Wed Mar 09, 2011 5:23 pm

Father Finian wrote:Yes, it'll be great to see the prick again!
That's what she said.

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Michael Rosenbaum For The Smallville Finale!! - Page 3 Empty Re: Michael Rosenbaum For The Smallville Finale!!

Post  Father Finian Wed Mar 09, 2011 9:50 pm


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Michael Rosenbaum For The Smallville Finale!! - Page 3 Empty RE: Michael Rosenbaum For The Smallville Finale

Post  non_amos Thu Apr 21, 2011 8:50 am

No comments yet at duh Homopage as of this writing? Hmmpphh!

Btw, has anyone seen his new show 'Breaking In'? I haven't but just was made aware of when it's on. Maybe I can catch it. Here's hoping that he can have a career after SV because he certainly nailed Lex but since it's unlikely he'll do so on the big screen as Luthor, it wouldn't hurt to have a continuing serious acting career. He definitely has the chops.
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Michael Rosenbaum For The Smallville Finale!! - Page 3 Empty Re: Michael Rosenbaum For The Smallville Finale!!

Post  webhead2006 Thu Apr 21, 2011 9:29 am

Nice little interview from tvline. As for michael the new show he is in. I saw the pilot. But missed last week/this week episodes due to work. Got to catch them out online.
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Michael Rosenbaum For The Smallville Finale!! - Page 3 Empty RE: Michael Rosenbaum For The Smallville Finale

Post  non_amos Thu Apr 21, 2011 4:29 pm

webhead2006 wrote:Nice little interview from tvline. As for michael the new show he is in. I saw the pilot. But missed last week/this week episodes due to work. Got to catch them out online.

But was it any good? I know it's a comedy sitcom. Oh, for some humorous Rosenbaum scenes, check out the flop of a film called CURSED, at least I think it was a flop, haven't really researched that but did see it in the theater & own the DVD. Anyway, your usual low-budget werewolf horror film, in this case starring Joshua Jackson of Dawson's Creek & Fringe fame. *Spoilers* (If it even matters!) Rosenbaum gets killed by a wolfman, which turned out to be a she-wolf. In the meantime he was wisecracking & had HAIR! But Joshua Jackson was the head-honcho wolfman that started it all but he lost his head 'Supernatural-style'.

Still though, is 'Breaking In' any good & how was Rosenbaum on that?
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Michael Rosenbaum For The Smallville Finale!! - Page 3 Empty Re: Michael Rosenbaum For The Smallville Finale!!

Post  webhead2006 Thu Apr 21, 2011 5:02 pm

Well I don't know how much he is in second/third episodes. In the pilot he only had one scene. He plays the boyfriend of one of the lead females characters. He kinda plays the character as a douchbag jerk. I thought he was fine in that one scene. But like I said haven't seen the other episodes yet. So I don't know how big his guest role/supporting role is for this show.
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