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The Amazing Spider-Man 2 Your Reviews Thread (spoilers)

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The Amazing Spider-Man 2 Your Reviews Thread (spoilers) Empty The Amazing Spider-Man 2 Your Reviews Thread (spoilers)

Post  thecolorsblend Sun May 04, 2014 12:11 pm

Saw this with my girlfriend yesterday. Rather enjoyed it. It's fairly slow-paced. Webb seems more content to take his time telling the story this time around than he was in the first one. Overall I think it works to the benefit of the narrative. And this isn't the same kind of overblown, grandiose bullshit we saw in TDK where Nolan's pretentiousness practically leaked off the screen. Webb simply isn't rushing through the story to get to the next action beat. The characters have room to live and breathe. It benefits the film in the end, I think.

This is a movie that has both Gwen Stacy and a Green Goblin in it so would anyone care to venture a guess what happens to her before credits roll? The only reason I didn't see this coming is because the Green Goblin in AS2 is Harry as opposed to Norman so I figured they'd either let her live or kill her off some other way. Nope. In fact, Gwen and Peter's relationship is such a focal point of the movie that her death really didn't come as a major shock. You'll know it when you see it but Peter and Gwen have a moment together on a bridge where any lingering doubt I had about her dying at some point was removed. No, she didn't die on a bridge but the cause of death isn't much different from the comics. You'll know it when it happens.

Speaking of which, Denis Leary has a non-speaking role as a figment of Peter's imagination. Peter made a promise to Captain Stacy on his deathbed and he's metaphorically haunted by breaking that promise he made. He loves this girl but a promise is a promise. Still, by the time credits roll, you're left wondering that even if George had the right idea, did he really have the right to dictate Gwen's life to her? It's arguable. In fact, this element introduces some kind of gray morality that I'm still not sure how to feel about. If Peter had broken up with Gwen back in the first AS, she'd still be alive. So George was right about that. But doesn't Gwen have the right to choose for herself?

Anyway, one thing that worked for me in AS2 is that public opinion is as mixed about Spider-Man as ever but at the same time he's making real headway as a superhero. People are starting to take notice. Even the cops have begun accepting him. And for his own part, he really is good at his job. Peter digs being Spider-Man, he's good at it and a lot of people people are starting to realize that the city needs him.

Spider-Man isn't just a bruiser either. He fights the people he needs to fight but sometimes all he needs to win the day is talking someone down. There's a moment where Spider-Man rescues a little boy from a gang of bullies. He doesn't beat the crap out of anybody. He just chases the bullies away and then walks the kid home from school.

Didn't need a reboot, Raimi's universe was just fine, etc, but I dig this new franchise. AS2 is worth seeing.

The lead villains are Electro and, later, the Green Goblin. Yes, the Sinister Six are set up for AS3. Hell, we even see the very beginning of the Rhino before the movie ends. But this isn't a situation where the villains crowd out the hero too much. Peter goes on a journey in this movie and the villains assist his arc rather than detract from it.

Anyway, it's worth seeing.

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The Amazing Spider-Man 2 Your Reviews Thread (spoilers) Empty Re: The Amazing Spider-Man 2 Your Reviews Thread (spoilers)

Post  non_amos Mon May 05, 2014 12:35 am

Surprisingly I saw this Sunday! I still haven't seen the new Cap film but I think I'll be able to drag my wife to it shortly as she 'promised'. Anyway, went to ASM2 with a friend who couldn't wait for everyone else to never go  so off we went.

I'm really digging this new franchise too. Really loved the first one, wasn't disappointed here. Now that's not to say that I agree with all the changes. I'd rather Norman have been the Green Goblin first. That's one of my biggest issues plus Harry was just such a douchebag too. In the case of Norman & Harry that was handled better in the Raimiverse imho. But it's also kinda interesting how they're having Harry form the Sinister Six like his own 'lab rats' or something. But I really got pumped seeing Doc Ock's tentacles & the Vulture's suit!

But I will have to say that Jamie Foxx did an awesome job as Electro! Yeah I know, it's a different version than what I grew up with & not just his race either. This portrayal simply rocked! FX weren't anything to sneeze at either. However, I'm just waiting to see how long it takes someone to bring up Michael B. Jordan's name in all this.
Christopher Reeve
Christopher Reeve

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The Amazing Spider-Man 2 Your Reviews Thread (spoilers) Empty Re: The Amazing Spider-Man 2 Your Reviews Thread (spoilers)

Post  thecolorsblend Mon May 05, 2014 1:16 am

non_amos wrote:Surprisingly I saw this Sunday! I still haven't seen the new Cap film but I think I'll be able to drag my wife to it shortly as she 'promised'. Anyway, went to ASM2 with a friend who couldn't wait for everyone else to never go  so off we went.

I'm really digging this new franchise too. Really loved the first one, wasn't disappointed here. Now that's not to say that I agree with all the changes. I'd rather Norman have been the Green Goblin first. That's one of my biggest issues plus Harry was just such a douchebag too. In the case of Norman & Harry that was handled better in the Raimiverse imho. But it's also kinda interesting how they're having Harry form the Sinister Six like his own 'lab rats' or something. But I really got pumped seeing Doc Ock's tentacles & the Vulture's suit!

But I will have to say that Jamie Foxx did an awesome job as Electro! Yeah I know, it's a different version than what I grew up with & not just his race either. This portrayal simply rocked! FX weren't anything to sneeze at either. However, I'm just waiting to see how long it takes someone to bring up Michael B. Jordan's name in all this.
I can excuse the Goblin stuff somewhat because Webb needs to distinguish his version from Raimi's as much as possible. My opinion is that he does so many things well like Spider-Man joking and the chemistry between Andrew Garfield and Emma Stone. Dane DeHaan reminded me of a very young Leonardo DiCaprio and I'm apparently not alone on that one. Douchey? Maybe so but I never cared much about Harry either way. Yeah, I liked Franco in the role but as long as some dude named Harry is there and he's not flagrantly out of place, I don't really care.

This franchise proves that good reboots are absolutely possible. There's no need to do what's being done with the FF. You can make a quality product even after audiences have already been exposed to an incredibly popular version of something. Someone at WB should be taking notes about all this when the Batman reboot comes around.

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The Amazing Spider-Man 2 Your Reviews Thread (spoilers) Empty Re: The Amazing Spider-Man 2 Your Reviews Thread (spoilers)

Post  non_amos Mon May 05, 2014 8:10 am

I'm still wondering when J. Jonah Jameson is gonna show up. It's obvious Peter is working for him but he's still a mystery like Norman was in the first film. I know I read comments from Webb the other day at SHH I believe that you can't top J.K. Simmons, he's too 'iconic'. Doesn't mean you can't try though. I'd pick Hugh Laurie myself. Yeah, Dr. House. He was originally going to play Perry White in Singerman but due to his HOUSE schedule he couldn't so that role went so lovingly to Frank "Rigamortis;' Langella. Not that it made any difference. Even Laurie wouldn't have saved that film just like neither would've Tom Welling or Henry Cavill instead of the 2X4. But he still  would've made a good Perry so likewise he'd make a good JJJ. Hopefully Webb doesn't come up with someone forgettable.

But something else I forgot to comment on. What was up with those post-credit scenes of the X-Men universe? I thought we were gonna get more Spidey related stuff & then I start seeing Mystique & everyone?! What's up with that? Are Sony & Fox collaborating now?
Christopher Reeve
Christopher Reeve

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The Amazing Spider-Man 2 Your Reviews Thread (spoilers) Empty Re: The Amazing Spider-Man 2 Your Reviews Thread (spoilers)

Post  thecolorsblend Tue May 06, 2014 12:47 am

non_amos wrote:I'm still wondering when J. Jonah Jameson is gonna show up. It's obvious Peter is working for him but he's still a mystery like Norman was in the first film. I know I read comments from Webb the other day at SHH I believe that you can't top J.K. Simmons, he's too 'iconic'. Doesn't mean you can't try though. I'd pick Hugh Laurie myself. Yeah, Dr. House. He was originally going to play Perry White in Singerman but due to his HOUSE schedule he couldn't so that role went so lovingly to Frank "Rigamortis;' Langella. Not that it made any difference. Even Laurie wouldn't have saved that film just like neither would've Tom Welling or Henry Cavill instead of the 2X4. But he still  would've made a good Perry so likewise he'd make a good JJJ. Hopefully Webb doesn't come up with someone forgettable.

But something else I forgot to comment on. What was up with those post-credit scenes of the X-Men universe? I thought we were gonna get more Spidey related stuff & then I start seeing Mystique & everyone?! What's up with that? Are Sony & Fox collaborating now?
My hunch is they're avoiding Jonah exactly because Simmons killed it in the Raimi films.

The X-Men thing is a good question. No idea. But it confused the hell out of me because a new trailer played ahead of ASM2. Throwing in that X-Men thing... I mean, excuse me, but wtf?! You know? Let's hope there's no collaboration between Sony and Fox. I'd much rather see Andrew Garfield pop up in a New Avengers Defenders movie alongside Luke Cage, Iron Fist, Daredevil and Dr. Strange than hang out in the hot tub with Singer's Pedo Party.

It's been a long while since I've given any type of real consideration to Singerman... but you raise an interesting point. I always assumed that Singerman was unworkable turd. "Fixing" that movie's myriad problems would've essentially been a reboot in my view. But if Singerman as a finished product is shitty shitty shitty, would casting Cavill have made it "merely" stinky farty smelly? I mean, it's not a matter of whether Cavill could've saved the movie. I think we agree even he couldn't have done that. But might the end product have sucked less had a real actor been in charge? Apart from the fact that Singerman didn't seem to help anybody's career very much, I think putting Cavill into the movie would've made Singerman even worse. The way things are now, Blandon pretty much is the perfect face of Singerman. You can't ask for anything much better than that. If Cavill had played the role, my contention is that we'd actually hold Singerman in even lower regard because of all the amazing potential Cavill would've inevitably shown with what little he would've been given. "A $200+ million snoozefest that completely WASTES the guy who could've been this generation's Superman!"

You think 2006 and 2007 were rough rides as they are? Just imagine how we would've reacted if Cavill had been wasted in it. I dare not exaggerate in saying some of us may well have completely washed our hands of Superman if Cavill had been in Singerman. There was hope for a decent Superman reboot in 2007. A slim hope for some but hope nevertheless. If Cavill had played the part... no. Just no.

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The Amazing Spider-Man 2 Your Reviews Thread (spoilers) Empty Re: The Amazing Spider-Man 2 Your Reviews Thread (spoilers)

Post  non_amos Tue May 06, 2014 1:06 am

I'd like to interject an observation here & a comparison. ASM2 earned what, $92 million domestic opening weekend, right? But then I hear on news reports on TV that it's performed LESS than the Tobey McGuire films but it's still doing 'OK'. Yet the franchise is actually more solid than a lot of people are giving it credit for. So.........why no love?

Ya know, it reminds me of MAN OF STEEL. Spidey didn't really need a reboot but we got one anyway & it actually turned out to be pretty good although different from what we're used to. Superman really needed a reboot so Zack Snyder also decides to go in a different direction from what everyone's 'comfort zone' is on the character, i.e., Reeve & Donner. MOS actually does pretty well but when you get on duh Internets I have to ask the same question, where's the frickin' love?!

I draw this comparison because both franchises are better than people are giving credit for but get online or watch a film critic on TV & you wouldn't know it. I mean, "He's not Reeve!" & "He's not McGuire!" Ad nauseum. And because said directors change things up a bit so they ain't 'copying & pasting' previous films, they get bashed for it! And I think duh Internet general public follow their 'Pied Piper' like lambs to the slaughter. And it's gonna be interesting to see where this attitude goes when 'Batman vs. Superman is actually released. Oy.
Christopher Reeve
Christopher Reeve

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The Amazing Spider-Man 2 Your Reviews Thread (spoilers) Empty Re: The Amazing Spider-Man 2 Your Reviews Thread (spoilers)

Post  Apologist Puncher Tue May 06, 2014 8:32 pm

Haven't seen it yet, nor read your reviews. But you guys saw 'Amazing Spider-Man 2', and NOT 'Captain America: The Winter Soldier'??

The Amazing Spider-Man 2 Your Reviews Thread (spoilers) Giphy
Apologist Puncher
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The Amazing Spider-Man 2 Your Reviews Thread (spoilers) Empty Re: The Amazing Spider-Man 2 Your Reviews Thread (spoilers)

Post  thecolorsblend Tue May 06, 2014 11:10 pm

The timing hasn't worked out for Cap 2 yet.

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The Amazing Spider-Man 2 Your Reviews Thread (spoilers) Empty Re: The Amazing Spider-Man 2 Your Reviews Thread (spoilers)

Post  non_amos Tue May 06, 2014 11:22 pm

What he said.
Christopher Reeve
Christopher Reeve

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The Amazing Spider-Man 2 Your Reviews Thread (spoilers) Empty Re: The Amazing Spider-Man 2 Your Reviews Thread (spoilers)

Post  Apologist Puncher Fri May 09, 2014 11:46 pm

Well, you both made the WRONG choice...

Saw 'Amazing Spider-Man 2'. Very uneven, disjointed, ultimately just "ok" movie.

I won't go over the plot, since you guys have seen it already. But the performances go from good, to not so good. Garfield and Stone were good, seeing as they are a real life couple and all their chemistry is obvious. Sally Fields is good for the most part, even though the washing machine bit was kind of weird. Why not tell him she's doing laundry, and if he wants to do his own, come back later??

Jamie Foxx. Ugh. Way to play up the Jerry Lewis "Nutty Professor" nerd act. And I CAN'T be the only one who noticed the similarities to the 'Batman Returns' resurrected by cats bit, can I?? Both fall, both get bitten by numerous animals, both awaken "changed". Both were ridiculous too.

And how does "cop sharpshooter shoots me = I hate Spider-Man"??????

Dane DeHaan was good, but his Green Goblin felt tacked-on and only there for what happened at the end. They should have just stuck with him as Harry Osborn. Norman was a waste. Stupid to toss him and all of his history away like that.

The best part of the movie was the very end, with the little boy standing up to the "Rhino". Very touching, and something parents should teach their milquetoast kids these days. It's ok to stand up to bullies.

So far this year, I'd rate the movies I've seen like this:

1. 'Captain America: The Winter Soldier'

2. 'The Raid: Berendral'

3. 'The Amazing Spider-Man 2'

4. 'Noah'

With a HUGE gap between 2 and 3.....
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