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616 Universe New Nick Fury

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616 Universe New Nick Fury Empty 616 Universe New Nick Fury

Post  webhead2006 Thu Apr 26, 2012 10:05 pm

Didn't really know of this development towards this character. But just was reading this newsarama story on him. What are your thoughts guys:
COMICS: Tom Brevoort Discusses The Marvel Universe's NEW Nick Fury

It looks like the cigar chomping Nick Fury that we all know and love will be taking a back seat to the all-new Samuel L. Jackson lookalike introduced this week in Battle Scars #6. Hit the jump for more on his new role and the decision to introduce "Nick Fury Jr." to the 616 Universe. Josh Wilding - 4/26/2012

Talking to Newsarama, Marvel senior vice president of publishing Tom Brevoort has addressed the controversial introduction of "Nick Fury Jr." into the Marvel Universe. In Battle Scars, Marcus Johnson was revealed to be the son of Nick Fury, and by the end of issue #6 he had not only discovered that his name was really Nick Fury Jr., but also gained an eye patch, goatee and striking resemblance to Samuel L. Jackson. While the Fury who appears in Marvel's The Avengers was based on the one in The Ultimates created by Mark Millar and Bryan Hitch, Brevoort explains here why they decided to create a 616 version of the character. To read the interview in full, in which he discusses where Nick Fury Jr. will next appear as well as the decision to introduce Agent Coulson and much more, be sure to click on the link below to head on over to the site.

"I don't know that he's going to be more around than he has been. I don't know that necessarily he's going to be around less. He's certainly appearing regularly in Ed [Brubaker]'s Winter Soldier series. There's been talk about Matt [Fraction] using him over in Defenders. And obviously we're doing the Fury MAX series — it's MAX, so it's set aside from Marvel continuity, but it's the classic incarnation of the character."

"I don't think, necessarily, the advent of Marcus-Nick Fury means, inevitably, that you're looking at the demise of classic Nick Fury. You'll no doubt tend to see more of new Nick than older Nick in the days ahead. But honestly, even the roles that I see them playing are a little bit different from one another. For whatever reason, and it probably had a lot to do with the fact that he stopped being the star of his own series, when he was initially conceived, Nick Fury, Agent of S.H.I.E.L.D. was a guy who strapped on some Steranko gear and went out and mixed it up with Hydra agents and A.I.M. guys. By the inevitably of not having a book of his own, over the last 10 or 20 years, Nick's role has generally been to knock on a superhero's door, and say, "Hey, superhero, I have a mission for you," and be a very easy way to get a character into a story that they otherwise wouldn't be connected to. Much more of a supporting player role."

"In terms of where "Marcus" Fury is set up at the end of Battle Scars, he's not the director of S.H.I.E.L.D., he is an agent. In my perfect world, he'll go out there and do all the kinds of stuff that Nick used to do back in the day. He won't be a guy that'll show up with a mission for a superhero, he'll be on a mission and team up with a superhero. That means you can still have old Nick in that role that he's been playing. It is kind of a way to eat our cake and have it too."

"Ultimately, new Nick comes from the publishing world to begin with, he just comes by a circuitous route, starting in the Ultimate Universe, and then winding through the films and animation, to come back to Marvel publishing. But any time it seems like what we're doing is following the lead of other divisions, our fans just have a hard time accepting it. They don't like it. It's always kind of a dicey thing when you're shifting things up this way, but to me the challenge is, "Make new Nick an interesting, viable character. Don't just make him a clone of old Nick in blackface and a goatee, make him a character unto himself." The good thing about new Nick is, at least at this point, he's had very little interaction with any of the characters in the Marvel Universe, so you've got the opportunity to introduce him to Spider-Man, and to Daredevil, and to Iron Man, to Thor, and the Hulk and everybody — and get a different perspective, and let him have a different set of experiences than the ones that older Nick had, and hopefully create some interesting story possibilities and directions for things moving ahead."

"We're definitely going to do more with the character; we're definitely going to do more with Coulson in the months and weeks ahead."

While the reasoning is sound, this still feels like an extremely forced and unnecessary addition to the Marvel Universe. The fact that the already established version of Nick Fury will seemingly be made even less of a prominent part of goings on than he is already, will surely upset long time fans. How do you feel about all of this? Sound off with your thoughts in the usual place.

Here is image of new nick fury, and also within this news it was revealed a few days ago coulson would be joining 616 verse too:
616 Universe New Nick Fury Battle10
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616 Universe New Nick Fury Empty Re: 616 Universe New Nick Fury

Post  Apologist Puncher Thu Apr 26, 2012 10:25 pm

Now that is pretty freakin' lame, if you ask me.

But they are following the $$'s 'The Avengers' is going to be bringing in, so here we are....
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616 Universe New Nick Fury Empty Re: 616 Universe New Nick Fury

Post  webhead2006 Thu Apr 26, 2012 10:33 pm

Totally and it happens as we seen all the time with comics. Like organic webbing for peter around time spiderman came out. Though it probably would have been a little better to have done this a little bit earlier.
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616 Universe New Nick Fury Empty Re: 616 Universe New Nick Fury

Post  thecolorsblend Fri Apr 27, 2012 2:12 am

Apologist Puncher wrote:Now that is pretty freakin' lame, if you ask me.

But they are following the $$'s 'The Avengers' is going to be bringing in, so here we are....
What I always liked about Ultimate Nick Fury is that he's different in some ways from 616 Fury. In fact, that's really true of the Ultimateverse in general. Why ruin a good thing? It's just idiotic.

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