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'Batman V. Superman' Reviews

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'Batman V. Superman' Reviews Empty 'Batman V. Superman' Reviews

Post  Apologist Puncher Tue Mar 22, 2016 4:37 am

Wow. It's 2am, just got home from seeing it, and I had to post something.

THIS was the Superman movie we've been waiting for. And make NO mistake, this IS a Superman sequel. Featuring Batman and Wonder Woman. If you read any reviews where they claim otherwise, they were probably watching 'Avengers: Couple Days of Dulltron' in their head while ignoring the moving pictures on the screen in front of them.

Superman and his 'MOS' supporting cast are the focus of the film. Everything of consequence that happens in the movie involves one, two or ALL of them. Batman and Alfred have their moments, and Wonder Woman has hers. Which are pretty fucking amazing. But us Superman fans definitely are in for a treat.

Cavill is great. Amy Adams' Lois just gets better and better. Diane Lane is not in the movie enough for me. But I love Diane Lane, so that's more a personal preference and not a criticism. The biggest surprise of all was definitely Eisenberg's Lex. The people who pre-judged him based on the trailers have a BUFFET of crow heading their way. Even though they'll never admit it, and will probably double-down on the hate. Because that's what these internet bitches do. He is SCARY as fuck, and I can't see anyone else doing what he did in the role.

Now, I can already see what the chief 'Insecure Marvel Movie Fan' bitch is going to be. Superman killing Zod was the go-to retardation the first time around, so when you see this flick, you are going to be taken back by what one character does. Repeatedly. For me, it was easy to look past. Your mileage may vary. But we WILL hear about it, I guarantee it.

I'll post more soon, and will answer any non-spoiler questions too. It sucks for me that I have to wait 4 more days to see it AGAIN.

Last edited by Apologist Puncher on Sat Mar 26, 2016 7:26 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : Spoilers are fine now)
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'Batman V. Superman' Reviews Empty Re: 'Batman V. Superman' Reviews

Post  Apologist Puncher Thu Mar 24, 2016 6:35 pm

I seriously could not believe the reviews for 'Batman V. Superman' I've seen online. I mean, I was wondering WHAT FUCKING MOVIE these 'critics' saw. It was mind-boggling.

Until I looked up the Rotten Tomato score for '300'.

It all clicked then. Critics have it out for Zack Snyder. It's not even an "excuse", or "conspiracy theory". They just don't like the guy because their SHITTY reviews of that film didn't stop it from being a MASSIVE success. Nevermind it's themes of honor, brotherhood and masculinity are ALL "F Words" to these beta bitches in the media now. So they've taken it upon themselves to DESTROY every film he comes out with. Don't believe me? Look at every single review  of a Snyder film post '300'. It's comically pathetic.

The sad part is, this WILL have an effect on the box office, as too many young people today REFUSE to think for themselves. What yhe "internets" tell them is GOSPEL. But hopefully, like the abysmal 'Transformers' films, the general audience flips the "critics" the finger and see it in droves.

See the film for yourselves. If you STILL think it sucks, post EXACTLY what you didn't like. Not strawmen like "no character development" or "bad editing", because that is disingenuous bullshit. I have my issues with the film, but they pale in comparison to what I LOVED.
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'Batman V. Superman' Reviews Empty Re: 'Batman V. Superman' Reviews

Post  BHoward Fri Mar 25, 2016 10:40 am

Had my second viewing yesterday and going back for number 3 this afternoon. Loved the movie and can't wait to see effects over the rest of the DCEU.

Not sure what the critics are seeing.  I have to believe there is an agenda to their negative reviews.  I'm not saying there is a Marvel vs DC conspiracy.  I believe that the current powers that be at WB have closed down the gravy train to those old Nolanites that used to lick his balls at every turn.  Sure they pay them some lip service with some free passes to the premier but hell I got advanced screening tickets also.  

And don't forget the Donner/Singer/Routh groupies as well who try to tear everything that Snyder does down.


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'Batman V. Superman' Reviews Empty Re: 'Batman V. Superman' Reviews

Post  thecolorsblend Fri Mar 25, 2016 5:12 pm

Apologist Puncher wrote:It all clicked then. Critics have it out for Zack Snyder. It's not even an "excuse", or "conspiracy theory".
BHoward wrote:And don't forget the Donner/Singer/Routh groupies as well who try to tear everything that Snyder does down.
I hate these fucking people. I really do.

Deadpool is a shit character about which I have never cared. Deadpool is the comic book for people who don't like comic books. Bottom-feeding, hand-wringing, self-loathing insecure fucking losers dig Deadpool comics. But this is what happens when you do unto others as you'd like them to do unto you. I kept my mouth shut because I didn't want to ruin their good time. But now those same assholes are pissing all over BvS.

I don't consider myself a violent or hateful person but right now I'd like to rub salt in their faces. After I run their faces over. With a lawnmower.

There are "purists" with a boner for all things Donner. Seriously, they need to just toss Donner's salad with chocolate syrup and get it over with. I've read Superman comics my entire life. I'm a lifetime student of the character. Ditto Batman. If I don't see anything in BvS to bother me (and I didn't) then I have not a single fuck to give what anybody else has to say.

But the Prima Donners are unfuckingbearable. They can all fuck off and die in an Amazonian forest fire as far as I'm concerned. "That's just not Superman, that's just not Superman". No asshole, that isn't Reeve. It isn't Richard fucking Donner. That doesn't make it bad to anybody who doesn't have a mental disorder.

Organized fandom is so full of shit, I swear to fuck. Fuck 'em all.

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'Batman V. Superman' Reviews Empty Re: 'Batman V. Superman' Reviews

Post  thecolorsblend Fri Mar 25, 2016 5:13 pm

Caught BvS today. I've waited almost 30 years for a movie like this. I enjoyed it, it was great seeing the characters fight, I would've liked a few things to be done differently but it was a blast of a movie and a totally worthy follow up to MOS.

The critics are full of shit. Don't believe them. This movie is worth seeing.

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'Batman V. Superman' Reviews Empty Re: 'Batman V. Superman' Reviews

Post  Apologist Puncher Sat Mar 26, 2016 7:25 pm

It would be enraging, if it wasn't so PATHETIC, to read the hate directed at this film. By simpletons "angry" that they were too STUPID to grasp what was transpiring in this film. So rather than look inside and admit they aren't very bright, they blame the movie.

I see idiot reviewers and Joe Shithead alike saying things like "itz lame dat duh loothore use he blood to made domesday!" without even getting what it even meant. Nope, it was just "lame". No thinking that MAYBE Luthor just wanted to know a part of him was part of the creature that was going to kill Superman. Nah, that involves THINKING.

Then, another moron just couldn't grasp what Luthors plan was. That he was "making it up as he went along". Even though the film spelled it out for those of us with higher brain function. He WANTED Batman to steal the Kryptonite, and to kill Superman with it. He pushed him in that direction with that last note, and suicide bomber. He forced Superman to confront Batman, expecting him to die. Doomsday was Plan B-Z. He set him loose, with the knowledge he could end up killing EVERYTHING on the planet, because he'd die knowing HE was responsible for Superman's death. And THAT was most important to him. If he couldn't be the most powerful man on the planet, NO ONE would be.

I could go on, but I'm just worn out by the idiocy on display this week. Zack Snyder was screwed any way he decided to go. If it was jokey, no REAL danger to the heroes, easily disposed of villains, limp finales like Marvel films, he would have been lambasted for THAT. Instead, he made a comic book film. A COMIC BOOK FILM. And I applaud him for that.

The future of this country looks dire.
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'Batman V. Superman' Reviews Empty Re: 'Batman V. Superman' Reviews

Post  James Stocks Tue Apr 05, 2016 1:02 am

Nice to see you guys at least got a kick out of this.

Things that worked for me:

I believed in Affleck's casting since DAY ONE, and in the end he still exceeding my expectations. The warehouse sequence may be the best filmed Batman ever. You're just being a contrarian if you say otherwise. It takes what Nolan did and body slams it HARD. Affleck needs to get his own solo film STAT! His back and forth with Alfred played by Jeremy Irons is equally great. Again, I want a solo film so we can get more of that and Commissioner Gordon (who was just cast JK Simmons, which I'm down for).

I feel Superman was under-served. We get plenty stuff with him, but I wish Cavill would have gotten many more scenes. Maybe that will be in the 3 hour Director's Cut. I can't wait to see that version. Superman gets a lot of shit spoken about him, so I assumed when he showed up at the hearing we would get to see Superman present his case, not only said for the people suspicious of him in the world but for actual audiences in theaters who need some lessons on what Superman is all about if they didn't get it through their thick skulls. Instead the place blows up immediately. Oh well. I have a feeling there's a lot more stuff between his talk with Pa Kent (was nice to see Costner back) and his rescue of Lois. Oh, speaking of her, that bathtub scene. HOLY SHIT! I don't blame Clark for jumping in there. Whooeee.

Wonder Woman. After this, I'm much more eager to check out the upcoming solo film. I love how much of a warrior she's played as, with that grin she gives as she gets pushed to the ground during battle. I wish she was given a little more to do, maybe being the one that actually gets in the middle of the fight between Bat and Supes, puts some senses into them being dolts and direct them to a real threat happening in Metropolis with Doomsday. Then again, I do love her reveal when she saves Batman from Doomsday's energy beam, and that Hans Zimmer theme kicks ass.

What didn't work for me:

I was game for Eisenberg when he was announced. I thought his casting was perfect for a new take on Lex who would likely be more of a Zuckerberg. THE SOCIAL NETWORK contains many scenes that show Eisenberg would have played the hardass condescending Luthor who is able to look up at the towering Superman and just tell him "you're nothing, you're just a beach boy flexing your muscles for the crowd. You don't know what it takes to build an empire. You're not a representation of human ingenuity. You're just an alien living off of us."

I'm very mixed with Eisenberg's performance. In BVS is actually very good, but I have a hard time connecting that with my idea of Lex Luthor. The more I think of it, the more I think Eisenberg's performance would have been far more suitable for a creepy character like Toy Man. He totally has that down, with the jolly ranchers and playing basketball.

I do think the JLA stuff doesn't work well. It feels like it takes me out of the story with Bat and Supes confrontation. The web videos thing might have played better in post-credits or something. Wonder Woman at least feels more integral in the plot.

Aaaaand, that's about it. I think I like this a lot more than MOS. I like that it ditched the Nolan aesthetic and went more for what Snyder did with WATCHMEN and 300. This is a much more operatic presentation than last time, and I'm happier for that because that's what I wanted more of when I heard he was announced as director for MOS.

I think I'm even more excited for SUICIDE SQUAD. I wasn't sure how that would turn out, but the latest trailer hooked me in and made me more curious of how Leto will come off. I wasn't crazy about the reveal of his look, but his actual performance may turn me around. He looks perfectly deranged. There's a shot where Jai Courtney takes a moment to pop open a can of beer and take a sip during some battle. That got a nice laugh out of me. Everything else I've seen him in he always came off dull, but he may turn out to be among the highlights.

Speaking of bad reviews, keep in mind that SUPERMAN RETURNS has a glowing 76% on Rotten Tomatoes. I think that makes clear on how full of shit critics are. I love SUPERMAN: THE MOVIE, but that film is far from what those Donner/Reeve films were and I absolutely hate it when people try to lump that in with the other films. It's why I've avoided buying the blu-ray set that has SR tacked in with Reeve's films. It's just a poor trick to try to sell blu-rays of that film because it can't sell well on its own.
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'Batman V. Superman' Reviews Empty Re: 'Batman V. Superman' Reviews

Post  thecolorsblend Tue Apr 05, 2016 2:07 am

James Stocks wrote:Speaking of bad reviews, keep in mind that SUPERMAN RETURNS has a glowing 76% on Rotten Tomatoes. I think that makes clear on how full of shit critics are. I love SUPERMAN: THE MOVIE, but that film is far from what those Donner/Reeve films were and I absolutely hate it when people try to lump that in with the other films. It's why I've avoided buying the blu-ray set that has SR tacked in with Reeve's films. It's just a poor trick to try to sell blu-rays of that film because it can't sell well on its own.
There's a very strong argument that the reviews for BvS are fair to middling, or even outright positive, but for some reason many of the reviews are being classified as negative on the RT site.

This basically requires us to believe that there's some sort of organized conspiracy against BvS... which I won't opine about here.

Further, it opens up the possibility that the aggregators like RT aren't actually as effective as they purport to be.

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'Batman V. Superman' Reviews Empty Re: 'Batman V. Superman' Reviews

Post  Apologist Puncher Sat Apr 23, 2016 7:06 pm

Was wondering if I was the only one who noticed this in the film:

Eisenbergs Lex was dressed EXACTLY how Burton and Cage wanted to dress Clark Kent in 'Superman Lives'.

Anyone else see that? Even the hair was the same...
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'Batman V. Superman' Reviews Empty Re: 'Batman V. Superman' Reviews

Post  thecolorsblend Sat Apr 23, 2016 8:19 pm

Apologist Puncher wrote:Was wondering if I was the only one who noticed this in the film:

Eisenbergs Lex was dressed EXACTLY how Burton and Cage wanted to dress Clark Kent in 'Superman Lives'.

Anyone else see that? Even the hair was the same...
I noticed the hair but I wasn't aware of the wardrobe angle. Good catch!

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'Batman V. Superman' Reviews Empty Re: 'Batman V. Superman' Reviews

Post  thecolorsblend Thu Jun 30, 2016 5:22 pm

The Ultimate Cut. I only saw BvS once in theaters. So there's a lot of stuff I didn't pick up on. Having watched the Ultimate Cut, I appreciate certain things more.

But I also happen to think the people who are concerned about Superman's live action prospects in the future are right to be concerned.

I love the operatic scale of BvS. These are big, iconic characters playing out their conflicts and turmoil on a grand, world-smashing scale. The music is up to the challenge. Zimmer's score brims with a power and BALLS worthy of Wagner's biggest epics. When people call BvS Superfriends By Way of Wagner, I don't think they're far wrong.

Batman is the real prize of BvS. Affleck owns that role for me. His Bruce Wayne is very Bob Kane with a dash of Tim Sale while his Batman is pure, undiluted, unapologetic Frank Miller. Those are iterations of Batman for which I have a lot of fondness. His powerful, angry, vengeful and driven. He suffers fools badly and has no hesitation about taking matters into his own brutal hands.

I can't wait to see a solo Affleck movie. It. Will. Destroy.

The Ultimate Cut takes everything most of us enjoyed about the movie and gives a bit more. If you like Lois in a bath tub, there's a bit more of that. If you enjoy Clark Kent, there's a bit more of that. Etc. I haven't cataloged all the differences (only saw the theatrical cut once, remember?) but the Ultimate Cut is a clear upgrade over the theatrical version.

That isn't entirely a compliment.

Guys, we all know the drill by this point. The closer a movie gets to three hours in length, the fewer times exhibitors can screen it. It's a simple numbers game and we all know it well. You will not be allowed to release a 3+ hour movie once your budget reaches or exceeds a certain level. You can have a three hour film OR you can have a sky-high budget.

You cannot have both.

And we all know this! So frankly it's incumbent on the filmmaker to write a shorter fucking script. Do whatever you have to do, delete as much shit as necessary, get that sum bitch down to 2.5 hours. The fate of BvS shows us that you don't really have the option of relying on an extended cut later to balance out the ledger. When people say the theatrical cut of the movie is far outstripped by the Ultimate Cut, they're not wrong.

And to me, that's a clear indictment of Snyder, Terrio and everybody involved with the conceptualization of the film.

The structure of BvS has to put Batman into conflict with Superman, they have to fight, they have to team up, Superman has to die at Doomsday's hands, Batman has to realize the error of his ways and then he has to vow to assemble the Justice League of America. Those are the crucial plot developments BvS has to address to create a foundation for the DCEU's future.

Yes, it does accomplish those things... but when people say it's a rough journey getting there in the theatrical cut, they're absolutely right. Something needed to be pared down (or removed entirely).

I enjoy the movie but I've got very little sympathy for the creative folk making the decisions. They know how this game is played even better than we do. It's hard to have pity on them when they must surely have understood what they were up against in making this film.

Yes, the Ultimate Cut is superior to the theatrical cut. But that's not something Snyder should be proud of, if you ask me. These are lessons we all should've learned ages ago.

It's worth checking out.

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'Batman V. Superman' Reviews Empty Re: 'Batman V. Superman' Reviews

Post  BHoward Fri Jun 02, 2017 3:52 pm

Wonder Woman anyone?

DCEU personal ranking:

1. BvS
2. MoS
3. WW
4. SS

Loved the movie. best DC movie since Dark Knight as the critics are saying? nope.


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