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Trayvon Martin/George Zimmerman dumping grounds

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Trayvon Martin/George Zimmerman dumping grounds Empty Trayvon Martin/George Zimmerman dumping grounds

Post  thecolorsblend Sun Jul 14, 2013 1:20 am

Not guilty. Was justice served? I have no idea. I wasn't there and neither were you. All I can say is anything that screws up a Democrat's night is fine by me. Schadenfreude. I'm doing a lot of that tonight.

Oh, and the assholes who make that "use your fists" argument? Fuck you. Seriously, fuck you! I've been in fist fights and it's the scariest shit you can imagine. I live in a state with guns laws so lax they almost may as well not fucking exist and you'd better believe that if I ever get attacked by someone (the race of whom does not concern me; one attacker is as bad as any other), you can rest assured I will use my guns to defend myself if I can.

One other thing. It's a good thing the lefties and racists are behaving themselves so far tonight. We've just established that the bar for self defense in Florida is pretty GD low. Now probably isn't the time to go around assaulting people and property.

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Trayvon Martin/George Zimmerman dumping grounds Empty Re: Trayvon Martin/George Zimmerman dumping grounds

Post  James Stocks Sun Jul 14, 2013 1:53 pm

If he's guilty of anything, it's incompetence. He just sounds like a loser who wanted to play John Wayne but in reality went in over his head resulting in a kid getting killed. I HATED how the media jumped on the racial bullshit. That's sensationalism. Folks like Al Sharpton can fuck themselves. I get where they're coming from, but Jesus. Now that he's not guilty according to law, I hope he gets punished through other means. I know if I was the kids's parent, I'd want any kind of justice. Heck, if its just Zimmerman's actions haunting him for the rest of his life, fine. I don't think he's evil, but I do hope this makes him realize his crime and try to make up for it, even if he truly can't. Don't play the victim.
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Trayvon Martin/George Zimmerman dumping grounds Empty Re: Trayvon Martin/George Zimmerman dumping grounds

Post  non_amos Sun Jul 14, 2013 3:55 pm

I have been aware of this case for some time but I can't claim to have been intimately involved with keeping up with it or really even giving a crap to be honest with you. I'm not racist but here's something that's bothered me about it. They cry the 'race card' as if it were a white man that did the deed. I haven't even bothered to research Zimmerman but he doesn't look white to me. He actually looks Hispanic but with a Jewish name so where exactly does race come in? I'm just glad they ain't having riots like LA back in the day.
Christopher Reeve
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Trayvon Martin/George Zimmerman dumping grounds Empty Re: Trayvon Martin/George Zimmerman dumping grounds

Post  James Stocks Sun Jul 14, 2013 4:51 pm

The fact that it's a black kid, regardless of Zimmerman's race, was enough to cause all this noise by the Al Sharptons. If Zimmerman had been black, then few would have given a crap about it. What should have been emphasized was not that it was a black kid but rather that it was a kid at all. That's what mattered to me about this case, not his skin color. But the race card attracts more attention, and people are stupid enough to buy into it and not look at the grander scheme of things. Emmett Till? Now THAT was a racial thing.
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Trayvon Martin/George Zimmerman dumping grounds Empty Re: Trayvon Martin/George Zimmerman dumping grounds

Post  thecolorsblend Sun Jul 14, 2013 11:43 pm

non_amos wrote:I have been aware of this case for some time but I can't claim to have been intimately involved with keeping up with it or really even giving a crap to be honest with you. I'm not racist but here's something that's bothered me about it. They cry the 'race card' as if it were a white man that did the deed. I haven't even bothered to research Zimmerman but he doesn't look white to me. He actually looks Hispanic but with a Jewish name so where exactly does race come in? I'm just glad they ain't having riots like LA back in the day.
Did you not see news reports calling him a "white Hispanic"?

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Trayvon Martin/George Zimmerman dumping grounds Empty Re: Trayvon Martin/George Zimmerman dumping grounds

Post  non_amos Mon Jul 15, 2013 12:11 am

Not sure. Could have & forgot, don't really know.
Christopher Reeve
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Trayvon Martin/George Zimmerman dumping grounds Empty Re: Trayvon Martin/George Zimmerman dumping grounds

Post  thecolorsblend Mon Jul 15, 2013 12:38 am

non_amos wrote:Not sure. Could have & forgot, don't really know.
Basically some overrated POS newspaper (probably the NY Times) labeled Zimmerman a "white Hispanic". The guy is Hispanic. And if his name was "Jorge Lopez", odds are good we would never have heard of his ass in national news media. But his name is "just white enough" for some intentional race-baiting of the case (aided and abetted by Barry's Dept of Justice, it seems) and that's what did it.

Now, my understanding has been that if you go strictly by the dictionary definition of the word "Caucasian", yes, Hispanic people belong in there. In fact, there are really only three basic ethnicities to choose from- Asian (of some kind), African (of some kind) or Caucasian (of some kind). Everybody fits into one of those basic groups. In theory.

In practice though, every country in the world is really good at dividing everybody up into tidy little sub-groups so rather than being called "Caucasian", Hispanics have a variety of check boxes to choose from. This is why "Caucasian" usually has "white" in parentheses next to it on a lot of forms you fill out.

That having been said, calling Zimmerman a "white Hispanic" is obvious race-baiting by whichever Democrat-owned rag printed that shit. I have no idea what Zimmerman's legal options are but if I were him, I'd at least check on the actions I could take against the prosecutor (for malpractice) as well as various news outlets (slander, inciting a riot, attempted jury-tampering, whatever is possible).

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Trayvon Martin/George Zimmerman dumping grounds Empty Re: Trayvon Martin/George Zimmerman dumping grounds

Post  Apologist Puncher Thu Jul 18, 2013 10:07 pm

Reverse racism is STILL racism.

And I almost NEVER agree with Chuck Barkley, but no one can deny what he says here is true:

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Trayvon Martin/George Zimmerman dumping grounds Empty Re: Trayvon Martin/George Zimmerman dumping grounds

Post  James Stocks Thu Jul 18, 2013 10:17 pm

Spot on.
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Trayvon Martin/George Zimmerman dumping grounds Empty Re: Trayvon Martin/George Zimmerman dumping grounds

Post  thecolorsblend Thu Jul 18, 2013 10:25 pm

Well, the thing that bugs me is the race issue. The minute you just pretend that a white teenager named John Smith attacked a white 40-something named Joe Blow, the morality of it becomes very clear. The racial component seems like a distraction. News media wouldn't care about two white guys slugging it out and the attacker getting shot. The prevailing sentiment would likely be "the attacker got what he deserved" and the media either wouldn't have reported on the case to begin with or else the narrative would center on gun control.

And what's with equating "profiling" with racism anyway? If somebody's neighborhood has had a rash of black people breaking into peoples houses after dark and they see a black dude lurking around someone's house after dark... seriously, wtf conclusion would anybody draw? If it's anything other than "he might be a burglar", they're either a complete idiot or a complete liar. I don't buy it.

Yeah, Barkley makes some good points, props to him for not toeing the line on this but still...

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Trayvon Martin/George Zimmerman dumping grounds Empty Re: Trayvon Martin/George Zimmerman dumping grounds

Post  Apologist Puncher Thu Jul 18, 2013 10:30 pm

I'm curious.... Where is the media "outrage" at those black teenagers that ran up and shot a white mother and her INFANT son on the street, killing the boy?

Listen to what Barkley said, then think about it.
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