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Mulitple Endings Rumor

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Mulitple Endings Rumor Empty Mulitple Endings Rumor

Post  webhead2006 Thu Jan 05, 2012 11:28 pm

Just saw this rumor and thought to post it here(take for grain of salt as usual):
RUMOR: Multiple Endings Written and Shot For TDKR
(WARNING SPOILERS!) It's not uncommon for Directors and Screenwriters to have multiple endings in mind for a certain film, but according to a tip; there could be as many as 4-5 multiple endings written (and in some cases, actually shot) for The Dark Knight Rises.
TheRedHood - 1/5/2012 I received an IM from a friend who works for a major visual effects company that is often times brings in outsourced work from major film companies to help ease the work of filmakers. He's currently signed enough NDAs to keep him quiet for life, but he was willing to share what he's seen.

From what he's told me, he's seen different levels of effects for different scenes. Each vary, from either slight variations, to some that actually change the outcome of the film outright. In his words, "There's a lot here, and I feel sorry for Nolan, because there's a lot of good stuff here"

Without going into too much detail, he told me with most versions of the ending, it starts with Bane activating the machine that we've all seen in countless spy photos, and of course we saw the effects of that in the trailer. He says that Bane is actually trying to amplify the machine, and that there are safeguards in place that prevent even more widespread destruction. By the end of the film, Bane has succeeded in removing those safeguards and is capable of leveling Gotham with his machine.

Some people are saying that Bane and Talia join forces half way through the film, but the impression that my friend got was that Bane (being a mercenary) is actually contracted by the League of Shadows.

So here's where things deviate between endings:

I) Bane activates the machine, and while Bruce attempts to stop it, he doesn't reach the machine in time. Final shot is of Gotham literally in shambles, Bane has been apprehended, Talia escapes. Gordon and Bruce have dialogue similar to the first two films, but instead of either of them thanking eachother, they start working to rebuild Gotham; and the city of Gotham (as well as the Police) accept Batman as a force for good.

II) Bane is defeated, but the device is active and with little time to spare. Bruce tries to call in The Bat (the flying machine) remotely as he tries to take the device as far out as possible. sadly, the signal emanating from the device scrambles the remote control and Bruce has to manually fly the device out to sea. A large explosion takes place and it's assumed that Batman died in the explosion. People have been trying to figure out who JGL is playing, and rumor has it...he's playing John Blake. He helps out Bruce during the course of the film, and evnetually takes over the cowl. End of the film echoes the ending of the first, but with JGL wearing a newer Batsuit (Described as very Batman Beyond-esque). This is also supposed to mirror the words said by Ras Al Ghul in Begins where he mentions how Batman can be a symbol, more then just a man. Despite the death of Bruce, Batman lives on.

My friend mentioned that he sees space for what he would describe as a post credit sequence for this ending. I asked if he knew who was in it, but he told me that nobody has seen this, and he doubts that unless this ending is chossen, then no one will know.

III) Personally, this last set doesn't sound very plausible to me. I guess you could say the same about all of these, but this one wouldn't surprise me as a quick toss aside.

In this version, it's Catwoman Vs. Talia and Batman Vs. Bane. Catwoman and Batman succeed. In this version, the device is set to detonate but in a very-anti-climatic way, it just fizzles out. From what I hear, this is a VERY simple ending, one without too much of a punch or some thematic elements. It doesn't sound like this would be a horrible ending, but it's just way too safe.

So there you have it. My friend has said that it's very unlikely that we'll see all the endings aside from the DVD/Blu-Ray release but he does mention that the choice needs to be made soon; but with so much pressure on closing off the Nolan trilogy well, Nolan is being very meticulous about the choice made. I really do think that all of the endings will be on the Home Release circut, be a great way to boost sales when it hits. I trust my friend, and have no reason to doubt this, but until July 20th; I guess it'll remain all a rumor.
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Mulitple Endings Rumor Empty Re: Mulitple Endings Rumor

Post  Apologist Puncher Fri Jan 06, 2012 12:09 am

I said it in one of the very first threads about this movie, and I stick by it:

Either Bruce Wayne or Batman will die by the end of the movie.

Think that one over a bit.
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Mulitple Endings Rumor Empty Re: Mulitple Endings Rumor

Post  thecolorsblend Fri Jan 06, 2012 12:14 am

A lot of people have speculated on Bruce dying in TDKRises. People can say whatever they want about the latitude WB has given Nolan (much of which may be true for all I know) but I really doubt they'd let him kill Bruce. Because Bruce is Batman. Period. Non-Nolan sequels or no, reboot or no, they simply won't let Bruce get killed off. I can't envision that.

But if they do let that happen... man, fucking idiots.

Assuming any of this has any basis in fact, the smart money is on the first ending.

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Mulitple Endings Rumor Empty Re: Mulitple Endings Rumor

Post  Apologist Puncher Fri Jan 06, 2012 12:28 am

thecolorsblend wrote:A lot of people have speculated on Bruce dying in TDKRises. People can say whatever they want about the latitude WB has given Nolan (much of which may be true for all I know) but I really doubt they'd let him kill Bruce. Because Bruce is Batman. Period. Non-Nolan sequels or no, reboot or no, they simply won't let Bruce get killed off. I can't envision that.

Ah, but I said Bruce OR Batman would die.

Not both, and not that BS "Someone takes over as Batman" fake shit in the original post.

But if they do let that happen... man, fucking idiots.

You mean the same people who thought a 5'7, 190lb Tom Hardly was the RIGHT choice to play "Bane"?

The dickens you say!

Assuming any of this has any basis in fact, the smart money is on the first ending.

I doubt either happen, to be honest.
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Mulitple Endings Rumor Empty Re: Mulitple Endings Rumor

Post  webhead2006 Fri Jan 06, 2012 1:02 am

What ever happens. The next film series will probably be so much different then nolan series like burton/schumucher series were. But from the post the 3 different ending sound cool if its true. The first one seems the most logical, where as the second as cool as it is probably wont happen. Though the last totally blows for a ending.
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Mulitple Endings Rumor Empty Re: Mulitple Endings Rumor

Post  non_amos Fri Jan 06, 2012 2:22 am

The first one would probably be the best way to 'save face' so to speak. It ends with Batman as a HERO. For the next series of films, even if they reboot, it wouldn't necessarily be like having to 'wash the bad taste out of your mouth' like audiences had to after BATMAN AND ROBIN. I dare say we wouldn't have to wait as long for a new film either. Now if we can only wash the bad taste of Nolan out.......... Exclamation
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Mulitple Endings Rumor Empty Re: Mulitple Endings Rumor

Post  thecolorsblend Fri Jan 06, 2012 4:07 am

non_amos wrote:The first one would probably be the best way to 'save face' so to speak. It ends with Batman as a HERO. For the next series of films, even if they reboot, it wouldn't necessarily be like having to 'wash the bad taste out of your mouth' like audiences had to after BATMAN AND ROBIN. I dare say we wouldn't have to wait as long for a new film either. Now if we can only wash the bad taste of Nolan out.......... Exclamation
Makes you wonder. Or me wonder anyway. But what are the prospects for rebooting after Nolan calls it a day? And even if WB is willing to reboot, there's a school of thought that says you don't want to stray too far from the basic tone Nolan's set up. So while I think a very noir'ish Gotham City with impossibly huge skyscrapers, foggy streets, perpetual full moons and shit like that has a lot of juice to it, the WB big shots may have very different ideas about not breaking too far away from the Nolan canon.

EDIT- And if I'm right, it'd be kind of ironic because Batman is a character noted for his versatility and adaptability.

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Mulitple Endings Rumor Empty Re: Mulitple Endings Rumor

Post  webhead2006 Fri Jan 06, 2012 3:02 pm

Sure i get nolan's take/series has made them big bucks and all. But I cant expect to see some other director come in and just retread over nolan's look/take and continue that. Whats so hard to see a clear reboot/restart. We seen it already for a few films series or films done as a reimaging. Whats so hard to just do a clear new start. Have a new theme/style and look and go from there throw in the cliche death of parents scene we likely get and blah blah....... into main story stuff.
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Mulitple Endings Rumor Empty Re: Mulitple Endings Rumor

Post  thecolorsblend Fri Jan 06, 2012 4:42 pm

webhead2006 wrote:Sure i get nolan's take/series has made them big bucks and all. But I cant expect to see some other director come in and just retread over nolan's look/take and continue that. Whats so hard to see a clear reboot/restart. We seen it already for a few films series or films done as a reimaging. Whats so hard to just do a clear new start. Have a new theme/style and look and go from there throw in the cliche death of parents scene we likely get and blah blah....... into main story stuff.
Because even if I don't like Nolan's version, there is business sense in sticking with something Nolanish. I'd love to see what other filmmakers could do with the material but, from WB's perspective, that may not be such a smart idea.

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Mulitple Endings Rumor Empty Re: Mulitple Endings Rumor

Post  non_amos Sat Jan 07, 2012 3:48 am

I'll propose this. How about pulling a 'THE INCREDIBLE HULK' with the next film? Sort of. Now, I know it wouldn't be for the same reasons like with Ang Lee's HULK. Financial profits are certainly not an issue with the Nolan films. However, I'd say reboot, soft reboot, vague sequel, whatever, for the sake of creative issues.

For the Hulk comparison I'll try to condense this because I'm tired from work & all & it would probably start getting kinda lengthy. Anyway, look at the 2 Hulk films. At the end of Lee's film we find Bruce Banner in some country in Central America speaking Spanish, his warning about getting him angry. At the beginning of TIH we find Banner in South America, Brazil to be precise, where Portuguese is the native language. So it looks like he continued his trek southward from the 1st film, so this must be a sequel, right? But WHOA! Hold on a minute. Rewind back to both versions' respective origins. This is why I didn't wanted to get lengthy but suffice it to say, the origins have some similarity, i.e., the lab accident, but that's about it. Remember the opening credits for TIH? Well, their 'condensed' origin is so obviously NOT Ang Lee's Hulk any more so than Smallville is a 'prequel' to the Reeve films. It's a fallacy I suppose. Anyway, just watch both films (or just review) & you'll see what I mean. There's no way that they can be the same continuity.

So why then did Banner seem to keep the same trajectory? Here's what I feel personally without anything to back it up. I feel like they didn't totally 'give the finger' to Ang Lee. Only partially. Maybe out of respect to him & the fans of that film they tried to keep a 'loose' feeling of continuity but at the same time, they went & made their own Hulk, hence the different origins & thus a new continuity!

Perhaps you see where I'm going with this? A more recent example is THE AMAZING SPIDERMAN which claims to be 'telling the untold stories' of Spiderman but wait a minute! This Peter Parker doesn't have organic web-shooters but rather has to invent them, just like in the comics! And they're starting with Gwen Stacy, not Mary Jane Watson, just like the comics? I think so. So you know what? These so-called 'untold' stories are really a new continuity also. But I guess they don't want to outright diss Raimi either so the 'PC' speech.

So I dare say, pull a TIH and/or Amazing Spiderman with the next Batman film series! I mean, they ultimately did it to the series that Tim Burton started, so why not do it again? Why should they continually hug Nolan's nuts while dissing people like Burton?! I mean, even duh media & fanboys now seem to be slanted towards 'all things Nolan' while dismissing people like Jack as the Joker! But let's face it, in the scheme of things, the 1989 Bat-film will stand the test of time better than BATMAN BEGINS. I saw the 1989 film 8 times at the theater. I saw Begins a grand total of ONCE at the theater! Now, it wasn't because I didn't want to but rather, I was single back then & not so single when the latter came out but still.....if Begins had been as awesome, I'd have had to have found a way but obviously I didn't.

So the game plan WB? Pull an 'amazing' TIH. Maybe keep some familiarity (like Banner's trek) but at the same time, completely re-introduce a rogues gallery, the whole 9 yards. Bring back some of the 'gothic' look & feel of the Burton films while maybe simultaneously maintaining some of your precious 'realism'. Recast the Joker & this time, do it right! So on & so forth.

Sounds like a plan to me! Smile
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Mulitple Endings Rumor Empty Re: Mulitple Endings Rumor

Post  webhead2006 Sat Jan 07, 2012 4:10 am

I would be down with something like that for batman reboot/new series. Though personally would love for them to just clean slate and start anew. New theme, setting, and all that. Come on we had campy 60s batman, gothic dark batman 80s/early 90s, and back to goofy batman in late 90s, with then nolan's realism/realistic approch for 00s. We seen so many varieties of batman on film. Why cant we just do something different right.
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Mulitple Endings Rumor Empty Re: Mulitple Endings Rumor

Post  thecolorsblend Sat Jan 07, 2012 3:22 pm

non_amos wrote:So the game plan WB? Pull an 'amazing' TIH. Maybe keep some familiarity (like Banner's trek) but at the same time, completely re-introduce a rogues gallery, the whole 9 yards. Bring back some of the 'gothic' look & feel of the Burton films while maybe simultaneously maintaining some of your precious 'realism'. Recast the Joker & this time, do it right! So on & so forth.

Sounds like a plan to me! Smile
I'd be hip to that. But, as the JLA movie seems like it'll take place in its own universe, I think there's wisdom in skipping "continuity" entirely and doing an anthology franchise where a filmmaker comes onboard, makes one Batman movie his way that has nothing to do with what's come before and is then replaced by a different director in the next movie who does his own thing, wash, rinse, repeat, all with no real continuity between films. Of all superheroes, Batman's probably the only character you could do that with so why not? Remember Legends of the Dark Knight, the comic from the 90's that had an ever-changing creative team for each storyline with little or no continuity between them? My proposal is basically the live action equivalent of that.

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Mulitple Endings Rumor Empty Re: Mulitple Endings Rumor

Post  webhead2006 Sat Jan 07, 2012 4:41 pm

That would be cool too it could be sorta like james bond. Which you think bond approach would be good to go with for superhero films.
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