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Flashpoint Empty Flashpoint

Post  thecolorsblend Mon Jun 06, 2011 3:28 am


So. Bought the issues that have come out so far. Two up to this point. And honestly, the first is kind of rough. But then, Geoff Johns has a metric crapton of exposition to hash through, characters to introduce, conflicts to set up and so forth. Those things having been dealt with in the first issue, the second issue is free to escalate everything and start building toward something.

All of that is a roundabout way of saying I'm enjoying the series so far.

Honestly, up until this very moment, I was pretty convinced that Fear Itself would end up being the better summer crossover event but with two issues of Flashpoint out of the way... well, I'm not ready to revise that opinion just yet but I'm prepared to admit that it could undergo review. Maybe.

But I'm not buying the freaking tie-in's to either event. No, I'm sticking with the main book. Gotta draw the line somewhere. At these cover prices, it just doesn't make sense to buy all the various related tie-in's, one shots, sub-miniseries and whatnot. Nope. I'll just stick with the main series, thanks.

None of this is to suggest that I approve of the apparent hatchet job DC plans to do on, at the very least, Superman in the fall. Far from it. I just wanted to give Flashpoint a chance before giving an opinion on it.

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Flashpoint Empty Re: Flashpoint

Post  webhead2006 Mon Jun 06, 2011 9:28 am

So what's the plot for the whole event?
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Flashpoint Empty Re: Flashpoint

Post  thecolorsblend Mon Jun 06, 2011 11:33 am

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Flashpoint Empty Re: Flashpoint

Post  webhead2006 Mon Jun 06, 2011 12:22 pm

Thanks for the link colors.
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Flashpoint Empty Re: Flashpoint

Post  non_amos Mon Jun 06, 2011 1:36 pm

I read most of that article on Wiki & it sounds like more DC crapola to me! Hey, here's a thought! Let's have a Crisis to undo the Crisis that undid the Crisis before it? Why not? After, it's DC, right? Have Flash discover 'alternate realities', but I thought we had that since the 50's?! Whatever. But maybe the comic is good anyway, I don't know.
Christopher Reeve
Christopher Reeve

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Flashpoint Empty Re: Flashpoint

Post  thecolorsblend Mon Jun 06, 2011 1:45 pm

non_amos wrote:I read most of that article on Wiki & it sounds like more DC crapola to me! Hey, here's a thought! Let's have a Crisis to undo the Crisis that undid the Crisis before it? Why not? After, it's DC, right? Have Flash discover 'alternate realities', but I thought we had that since the 50's?! Whatever. But maybe the comic is good anyway, I don't know.
What makes the series work for me is that it's not simply an "alternate universe" with the same characters in it. It has different characters (or at least interpretations thereof), different political and social settings, different character conflicts, different everything. It really is DIFFERENT, you know?

Plus, I've been bashing on the series without really having read any of it and that doesn't seem fair.

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Flashpoint Empty Re: Flashpoint

Post  Apologist Puncher Mon Jun 06, 2011 7:49 pm

I read the first issue.

I have no desire to read the second.
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Flashpoint Empty Re: Flashpoint

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