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'X-Men: DOFP' Trailer

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'X-Men: DOFP' Trailer Empty 'X-Men: DOFP' Trailer

Post  Apologist Puncher Wed Mar 26, 2014 11:31 pm

You know, I see people creaming their pants over this and I can't help wondering why?

I mean, some are actually trying to claim this will rival 'The Avengers' and shit, but I'm not seeing anything that tells me this will be any different from Singer's previous X-films. How there can be SO MANY X-Men films, and have the same shit happen with the exact same characters is beyond me.

Is the X-Men comic book universe so small that Wolverine, Professor Xavier, Mystique and Magneto have to be the main protagonists/antagonists EVERY SINGLE TIME?
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'X-Men: DOFP' Trailer Empty Re: 'X-Men: DOFP' Trailer

Post  thecolorsblend Wed Mar 26, 2014 11:55 pm

01- Affection for X2.

02- Pleasant memories of X-Men- First Class.

03- Hugh Jackman in an X-Men film.

Those are the three main issues underlying a lot of peoples interest in DOFP if you ask me. I kinda liked First Class and thought of it as a sort of halfway reboot or something. And that may still end up being the case in an indirect way. I think that's part of what has people up for the game.

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'X-Men: DOFP' Trailer Empty Re: 'X-Men: DOFP' Trailer

Post  thecolorsblend Sun May 04, 2014 12:20 pm

Another one played before (and after) Amazing Spider-Man 2. I liked First Class and so originally I was fairly interested to see what DOFP would bring to the table. But honestly, the pretty much gold-plated proof that Bryan Singer is a child-molester has pretty much ruined the movie for me. How the hell can I be objective when I know that sick fuck has ruined a lot of peoples' lives?

Even so, I have no doubt I'll get dragged to see DOFP by my friends. *sigh*

Anyway. I guess one's memory plays tricks on you. Could've sworn that Quicksilver in the comics could only hit a top speed of 20 or 30mph or something. But I guess I was wrong as his Wiki page says he's been known to hit speed closer to Mach 10. No idea where the 30mph thing came from. That makes it a bit easier to accept aspects of Quicksilver... except wtf is up with his outfit?

More of the story is revealed in that Wolverine meets present day Charles and Erik and then goes back in time to meet the younger Charles and Erik and the other X-Men members. The sentinels are revealed too. In fact, this trailer pretty much blows the plot of the movie wide open. I remain convinced that DOFP will end with the events of X3 being wiped off the map so that the series can continue. This new trailer didn't do much to change my mind there.

I'd post a link to the trailer but wasn't able to find it on YouTube.

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'X-Men: DOFP' Trailer Empty Re: 'X-Men: DOFP' Trailer

Post  James Stocks Thu May 15, 2014 12:22 am

I seriously doubt it'll be as big as THE AVENGERS. Anyone who suggests that are out of their minds. But for the X-MEN franchise it might end up becoming one of the top three in its franchise standing alongside X2 and LAST STAND. Combining the original cast with the FIRST CLASS cast guarantees it, even if it gets a big stink like THE LAST STAND it'll still make the dough.

I'll give the film a chance though, no matter what Bryan Singer's issues off screen. CHINATOWN is one of my favorite films of all time and it's directed by an asshat who raped a 13 year old girl. Of course, that's CHINATOWN so that might not work as a fair comparison.
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